Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Reading: You won’t believe what robots can do Read the text below and put the sentences in the correct order. 1 Robots can do many things. You won’t believe what they are able to do nowadays. by the engineers at MIT can run at a speed of 30 mph. Drones 1 are robots, too, and they’re First, robots can cook. Just choose a recipe, and Moley Robotics’ Robotic Kitchen will robots to operate on patients. This gives doctors much more control. Australia’s beaches for sharks 2 . In retirement homes 3 , personal trainer bots are make it for you. Robots can also easily run faster than you. A mechanical leopard built body position. Finally, robots can perform operations. More and more hospitals use working all over the world, doing many jobs from transporting blood to searching teaching exercise lessons to elderly people. They can even give feedback on the correct Focus on form: Reported speech Write down what people said with the reporting verbs in the past. Write in your exercise book. 1. Ally: “I am writing a new post for my blog.” Ally said she was writing a new post for her blog. 2. Professor Holmlund: “I don’t design vacuum cleaning robots myself.” 3. Alcott: “I’ve heard that artificial intelligence is very good at playing board games.” 4. Jane: “AI can help you to find information in texts very quickly.” 5. Shelby: “Very often, patients have x-rays taken of their lungs.” 6. Parker: “I have listened to some songs written by AI, and they don’t sound bad.” 7. Edison: “I don’t want to ride in a self-driving car.” 8 1 drone – Drohne, fliegender Roboter 2 shark – Hai 3 retirement home – Seniorenheim l m n I can understand a text about a familiar topic. 9 l m n I can write about what other people said. 19 Intelligent machines 3 Unit nineteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv