Prime Time 4, Workbook

Focus on form: Questions  CB, p. 13 Complete the questions in the interview with robot engineer Dr Martha Rebrikova. Interviewer: Dr Rebrikova, what does a robotics engineer do 1 ? Martha Rebrikova: A robotics engineer designs and builds robots. Interviewer: And what 2 ? Rebrikova: A robot is a machine that can help us to do things we don’t want to do or we cannot do. Interviewer: Why 3 actually? Rebrikova: Well, I have always been interested in two things: developing software and designing things. As a robotics engineer I can do both: I design the robot, and I write its code 1 . Interviewer: Sounds interesting. What 4 ? Rebrikova: Actually, it’s a secret, you know. But I will tell you. Right now, I am developing a new kind of vacuum cleaning robot. Interviewer: I own a vacuum cleaning robot myself. What 5 ? Rebrikova: My robot will be special because it won’t only clean your floors, but will also be able to clean your windows. Interviewer: Wow, that sounds really cool. I hate cleaning windows. Rebrikova: So do I! Interviewer: Let me ask you one more question. What 6 ? Rebrikova: In ten years? That’s a difficult question. I think in ten years our world will look not much different from nowadays. But there will be all kinds of robots around to make our lives easier. Interviewer: I should hope so. Thank you for the interview, Dr Rebrikova. Focus on form: Negations What kind of robots will/won’t be around in your life to make it easier? Write sentences in your exercise book using negations. I don’t like mowing the lawn. A robot will do that for me. I won’t have a robot that cooks a soup for me because I love cooking. 6 1 code – hier: Programmcode, Computerprogramm 7 18 Revision eighteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv