Prime Time 4, Workbook

All that glitters is not gold Listening: Will there be robot teachers? Listen to the interview with Dr Philip Meyer about how AI may take away people’s jobs and do the tasks below. 1. Which jobs are done by robots nowadays according to 1 the interviewer?  factory worker teacher shop assistant 2. What does the interviewer think is important for jobs like a doctor or a teacher? being able to see blood knowing how to interact 2 with people speaking a foreign language 3. Robots don’t find as many illnesses as doctors. true false 4. Which part of a teacher’s job might be difficult for robots? understanding how students feel giving feedback to an exercise writing reports 5. How many children under 14 don’t go to school? 6. What could robots do for teachers at your school? Privacy tips Complete the information leaflet below with suitable words. 4 3.4 bu789n 1 according to – laut, gemäß (des Interviewers) 2 to interact with sb. – mit jmdm. umgehen/interagieren 5 3 permission – Erlaubnis 4 calculator – Taschenrechner How to protect your privacy online 1. You should find out 1 which apps on your smartphone 2 about you. When you install a new app, it usually asks you for permission 3 . Pay extra attention to what you allow. 2. Don’t 3 every app to use your camera and 4 , especially if the app doesn’t need it to work, for example, a calculator 4 . 3. 5 the security settings of your smartphone regularly. Usually, smartphone companies automatically send out security updates for your device. 4. 6 an app if you are not 7 what happens to your information. Often these apps are not worth it anyway. 17 3 Unit Intelligent machines seventeen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv