Prime Time 4, Workbook

Intelligent machines around us Focus on form: Reported speech a) For her blog, Ally interviews a friend of hers about what she thinks about robots and AI. Read the chat between Ally and her friend Liliana. 1 Liliana 9:35 p.m. Yes, I have. There are more and more things AI can help us with. Liliana 9:40 p.m. It feels a little strange if you don’t know how AI has come up with the information it gives you. I mean, maybe there has been some mistake, or the software has misunderstood 2 something. You can never be sure… Liliana 9:37 p.m. AI helps you to find information online very quickly for example. It often takes you hours on the internet to find an answer to your question. If you send your question to an AI search assistant 1 , however, it will tell you everything you want to know about a topic in less than a second. Ally 9:38 p.m. Do you think that’s a good thing? Ally 9:35 p.m. Yeah, right. What are you thinking of? Ally 9:34 p.m. Hey, Liliana, thanks for taking the time to chat with me tonight. You know, I’m working on a blog series on artificial intelligence. Now I’m interviewing people about what they think about it. Have you heard of artificial intelligence before? Ally 9:41 p.m. That’s right, that might really be a problem. Well, thanks, Liliana; you really helped me a lot! b) Help Ally to complete her blog post with the correct verbs in the reported speech. One of my friends from science club, Liliana, tells me that AI helps 1 you to find information online very quickly. She explains that it often 2 you hours to surf the internet to find an answer to your question. Liliana has already tried out an AI search assistant. She writes that such an assistant will tell you everything you want to know about a topic in less than a second. It’s a kind of software that understands all your questions in real language. You might ask it “Why is the world’s climate changing?” and it will give you a real answer, not just a list of webpages. Liliana likes the assistant, but she thinks it 3 a little strange if you don’t know how AI 4 with the information it 5 you. She says that maybe there 6 some mistake or the software has misunderstood something. What do you think? Have you ever tried out such an assistant? Home About me Topics What people think about AI 5 1 search assistant – Suchmaschine 2 to misunderstand sth. – etw. missverstehen 15 Unit 3 Intelligent machines fifteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv