Prime Time 4, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Focus on form: Visiting New York Look at the events of Karim’s visit to New York. Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right with the correct tense of the verb – past simple or past perfect. 1. They got up at 7 a.m. We arrived 1 at the Empire State Building at half past 8 after we had gotten 2 up at 7. But we still 3 (have) to stand in line for 2 hours! 2. They arrived at the Empire State Building at 8:30 a.m. 3. They had to stand in line 1 for 2 h before they could go up to the platform. 1. They booked a boat tour to Liberty Island. We 4 (book) a boat tour to Liberty Island but we 5 (miss) it by a few minutes, so we 6 on the Staten Island ferry instead. 2. They missed the boat. 3. They went on the Staten Island ferry for free instead. 1. They planned to walk along the High Line Park. We 7 (plan) to walk along the High Line Park but we 8 (can) find it right away 2 , so we asked an old man for directions. He 9 (grow up) in the neighbourhood and 10 (have) interesting stories to tell. 2. They couldn’t find it right away so they asked an old man for directions. 3. The New Yorker told them stories about his neigh- bourhood. Writing: Describing a picture Describe what you can see in this picture. Use the questions and write around 80–100 words. • What does the picture show? • What do you know about this situation? • How do you think the people in the picture are feeling? • What are their hopes/dreams/fears? The picture shows … In the foreground you can see … In the background one can see … 8 1 to stand in line – sich anstellen 2 right away – gleich, sofort l m n I can choose the correct tense to complete a sentence. 9 l m n I can describe a picture in detail. 13 New York 2 Unit thirteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv