Prime Time 4, Workbook

A visit to Ellis Island Personal migration story Remember some facts about Giuseppe’s migration story and tick the correct sentences. Use your coursebook page 19 if you need help. Giuseppe emigrated from Italy. He could afford 1 the ticket to New York on his own. He became sick on the trip across the Atlantic. As a result 2 of his health problems, he was put in the hospital building on Ellis Island. Giuseppe was one of the 2% of immigrants who were sent back to their home countries. He was finally able to start his life as a legal immigrant to the US. Focus on form: Giuseppe’s story a) Look at the events of Giuseppe’s life and make sentences with “before” and “after”. Use the past simple and the past perfect tense. work as a peasant in Sicily have a difficult trip across the ocean be examined by doctors legally immigrate before after emigrate to the United States land on Ellis Island become a legal citizen start a new life in the US 1. Before he emigrated to the United States, Giuseppe had worked as a peasant in Sicily. 2. 3. 4. b) How do you think Giuseppe’s story in the United States continued? Write a few sentences about what his life in the US was like. After Giuseppe had become a US citizen, he … 3 Info When you leave your home country, you emigrate . When you come to a country to live there, you immigrate . i 1 to afford – sich etw. leisten können 2 as a result – infolge 4 10 2 Unit New York ten Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv