Prime Time 3, Workbook

Unit 1 Journeys task 8 1. different; 2. navigate; 3. around; 4. holiday; 5. computers; 6. homeschooled; 7. countries; 8. journey task 9 1. The beach was too sandy! 2. We bought Ray Ban sunglasses for five Euros in the street, only to find out they were fake! 3. No one told us there would be fish in the sea – the children were scared! 4. The animals in the zoo looked so sad – can’t they make them smile? Unit 2 What a life! task 8 2; 4; 5; 1; 3 task 9 a) since Christmas, since 2018, for three days, for a month, for many years, since my childhood, since 8 a.m. this morning, for two minutes b) Sample sentences: I’ve had the book “Frankenstein” since Christmas. I’ve known my best friend since my childhood. I’ve liked reading for many years. I’ve been tired since 8 a.m. this morning. I’ve wanted to sail around the world since 2018. I’ve hated skiing for a month. Unit 3 Children’s rights task 7 1. quietly; 2. well; 3. badly/unfairly; 4. quickly; 5. sadly/ unhappily task 8 1. S; 2. A; 3. S; 4. not true for either of them; 5. A; 6. not true for either of them; 7. S; 8. S and A; 9. A; 10. S Unit 4 That’s entertainment! task 6 b) 1. some; 2. anyone; 3. who; 4. some; 5. someone; 6. which; 7. any; 8. some; 9. which; 10. anything c) Difference: We haven’t found any places in Ireland that we can use for filming. So, we need some people who are very creative on set! Unit 5 London task 7 a) 1. T; 2. T; 3. F b) 1. T; 2. F; 3. F; 4. F; 5. T; 6. F; 7. busiest; 8. deepest; 9. most Unit 6 Podcasts task 8 b) 1 – 2 – 5 c) 1. vocabulary; 2. portable; 3. download Unit 7 Water is life task 8 a) 1c; 2b; 3d; 4c b) 1. a tiny amount; 2. groundwater; 3. river Unit 8 Picture-perfect task 6 a) 1. Lionel, who makes scrapbooks, thinks that he has a good hairstyle. 2. In his scrapbooks, he puts pictures of himself and his twin brother, Liam, who doesn’t like it when people are taking pictures all the time. 3. Lionel and Liam have a cousin named Ally, who is working on an art project. 4. Ally has interviewed her art teacher, who is also a photographer. 5. For her art project, Ally has described a photo of her grandpa, which shows him playing the violin. b) Sample sentences: Ally, who has an Austrian mother, spent one summer in Austria. Ally’s cat named Herbert, who sometimes stays with the children’s grandpa, has left paw prints on her cheat sheet. Liam, who is working on an art project, thinks Ally’s art teacher has told her some nonsense. The children’s grandpa, who can play the violin, is sometimes quite grumpy. task 7 b) Sample picture: task 8 1. First of all; 2. However; 3. Finally; 4. Then; 5. This is why Unit 9 What if …? task 8 b) 1. very much; 2. inform herself; 3. because of her parents; 4. talk to her parents task 9 1. eat; 2. had; 3. snows; 4. you’ll wake; 5. I’ll make; 6. isn’t allowed; 7. I’d join; 8. had Unit 10 Extreme emotions task 6 a) 1. his mother; 2. a friend; 3. sorry/sad/desperate; 4. F; 5. T; 6. T; 7. T; 8. F; 9. F b) 1. understanding: 3; 2. hopeless: 4; 3. sad: 1, 3, 4; 4. disappointed: 2; 5. angry: 2; 6. lovesick: 1 93 Key Check out ninety-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv