Prime Time 3, Workbook

Being different!? Focus on form: Jay’s story a) Read Jay’s story. b) Then fill in the correct forms of the tenses. When Jay stepped 1 (step) off the school bus, he 2 (know) that he was in trouble. His mom 3 (wait) for him in the kitchen. That meant the school had called her again. Jay 4 (put) on his backpack and walked to the house. His family had moved there a few years ago, and that had been the beginning of all his problems. Jay’s new school 5 (be) much harder than his old one. The other students seemed to be ahead of him by a year. All the tricks he had used to get along in his old school 6 (not work) any longer. In his old school, when the teacher asked Jay to read, another student 7 (help) him by coughing loudly or asking the teacher to let her read instead. They also 8 (let) him see their answers on their exam papers. Those tricks worked to prevent the teachers from finding out that Jay 9 (cannot) read much. And what he could read he 10 (not understand). At his new school, teachers quickly 11 (see) that Jay was having trouble. He was sent to the school psychologist for tests and checkups, and his parents were told that Jay had a learning disability. They were upset and angry with Jay because he hadn’t told them about the problems he was having. His mother told him that “things were going to change”. And they did. She had cable TV taken out of the house and 12 (give) away his video games. Instead, his parents put a computer in Jay’s bedroom and 13 (buy) some software that should help Jay learn to read. Jay 14 (be not) happy, but he sat at the computer and did his best. It didn’t work. His parents told him he just 15 (try not) hard enough. At school the other kids 16 (make) fun of him. Jay thought that everyone was being unfair, and he just stopped trying. He 17 (sit) in class without saying anything, ignoring what the teacher said. He didn’t fill in any tests and gave them back with the pages empty. Today, finally, he was taken to his “enrichment” class, which was called “Middle School for Dummies” by the other kids. c) What could Jay do? Give Jay some advice. 1 5 10 15 20 87 Unit 15 Being different eighty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv