Prime Time 3, Workbook

Kiujn lingvojn vi parolas?* * This is Esperanto and means What languages do you speak? Language in use: First, second and other languages a) Read about Susanne and Santiago’s language backgrounds and complete the texts with the expressions from the green box. 1 bilingual • foreign languages • languages • mother tongue • second language • study 1. Susanne Interviewer: Hello, Susanne, what languages 1 do you speak? Susanne: Hi! I speak German, English, French and a little bit of Spanish. Interviewer: Wow! Why so many? Susanne: Well my 2 is German. That’s what I learned when I was a baby. Then we moved here 11 years ago, and I’ve been speaking English since then, so I would say I’m 3 Interviewer: And what about French and Spanish? Susanne: I 4 French at school, but I only know a little bit of Spanish because of Santiago. 2. Santiago Interviewer: Hi, Santiago, tell us about your language background. Santiago: I’m originally1 from Spain. English is my 5 . I’m still learning it! Interviewer: So you speak Spanish at home, don’t you? Santiago: Sí, hablamos Español en casa, con la familia, y … Interviewer: Ok, ok, back to English please! Do you study other 6 at school? Santiago: Sí, yes, I have to study French, but I’m having a difficult time with it … too many languages at once, you know? 1 originally – ursprünglich b) Write about your own language background. Use the useful phrases box on page 113 in your coursebook. 81 Unit 14 It’s all about language eighty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv