Prime Time 3, Workbook

Focus on form: Adverbs of frequency  CB, p. 89 a) A teenager is interviewed about her use of smartphones and TV. Complete the sentences. Use adverbs of frequency. Interviewer: I’d like to talk to you about your use of smartphones and the media. Pam: Sure, why not? What do you want to know? Interviewer: OK, first question – how often do you watch TV? Pam: I don’t watch TV very often 1 . In fact, I 2 watch my favourite programmes on TV, you know, sit-coms or reality shows. I 3 watch them on my smartphone when I’m on the bus to school. Interviewer: What do you watch on TV then? Pam: That’s hard to say. You know, I 4 watch anything on TV where I have to pay much attention. I 5 watch sports programmes on TV or music shows, but that’s just once a week or so. Interviewer: What else do you do with your smartphone? Pam: Oh, I do lots of things. My favourite activity is taking photos. I 6 take lots of pictures when I’m out in the streets, but I 7 share them on social media. I know that sounds strange because people 8 share their smartphone pictures, but I don’t. Interviewer: Why don’t you do that? Pam: I don’t know. It doesn’t feel right. You know, I love taking photos of people. And people 9 don’t like their photo to be shared online. I 10 print out the photos I like best and hang them up in my room. Interviewer: I like that. Thanks very much for talking to me about your life. And all the best for your career as a photographer! b) Listen to the audio and check your answers. c) What do you like to do with your smartphone and how regularly do you do it? Fill in the table and then write a short text about it. watch listen to take photos of play always usually often sometimes rarely never 4 always usually sometimes rarely often never 3.15 y8g6yr 78 Revision seventy-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv