Prime Time 3, Workbook

Controversial topics Writing: An online discussion a) Complete the texts with the letters a–h of the missing sentences below the texts. There are two sentences you don’t need. a. If I were a teacher e. use text messages to cheat b. The world of education is changing f. and to use them for research c. teenagers can’t pay attention in class g. There is more and more bullying d. and take pictures of plants or animals in the field h. whatever they find online b) Complete the posting below with phrases to agree or disagree. 2 Opinion: Should smartphones be banned from school? In many schools, smartphones are not allowed. Teachers are worried that their students don’t pay attention in class and send messages around all the time. There are pros and cons to this topic. What do you think? Share your opinion and join the discussion! I think it’s good that smartphones are being banned from some schools. I wish they were banned from my children’s school as well. With all those apps they have nowadays, C 1 . They send messages around instead of listening to the teacher. 2 , I wouldn’t allow any smartphones. (Emma, Atlanta) I must say, I don’t like the idea of banning smartphones from school. Pupils should learn how to use smartphones to learn 3 . Modern phones are light enough to carry anywhere. Pupils can take them outside 4 . (Liam, Denver) All of us, teens and adults, are using our smartphones too much anyway. Cheating at exams is the worst problem for me. Pupils can scan their notes on their phones or 5 . Or they google exam questions and copy 6 . Smartphones make it far too easy for pupils to cheat. (Amelia, San Francisco) Post your opinion a good really agree think your point Emma, I see your point 1 , but I think it’s up to the teachers to make rules in the classroom. If teachers make their lessons interesting, no pupil will play around on their smartphones. Liam, that’s 2 point. I 3 so too. Pupils could also use the voice recorder on their phones to help with their language learning. Amelia, I don’t 4 with that idea. You don’t have to ban smartphones completely to stop pupils from cheating. If I were a teacher, I’d just tell my pupils to put their phones in their schoolbags during a test. (Logan, New York City) 76 13 Unit Agree to disagree seventy-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv