Prime Time 3, Workbook

English Example sentence German 0 extreme !Ik*stri"m? In extreme situations people can have extreme emotions. extrem emotion !I*mEUSn? Your poem should express an emotion. Gefühl (das), Emotion (die) 1 to grow up !grEU *0p? What do you want to be when you grow up? erwachsen werden heaven !*hevn? Growing up is heaven and hell. Himmel (der) hell !hel? Watching my little brother can be like hell. Hölle (die) sadness !*sxdnEs? Laughing all day keeps sadness away. Traurigkeit (die) stranger !*streIndZE? First they were strangers, then they were friends. Fremder (der), Fremde (die) heart !hA"t? Hearts are often symbols for love. Herz (das) 2 to break sb’s heart Sam broke my heart. jmdm. das Herz brechen honestly !*OnIstlI? Honestly, I didn’t want to hurt you. ehrlich, wirklich 3 to drown !draUn? Help, I’m drowning! ertrinken lungs !l0Nz? I can’t breathe, and my lungs are burning. Lunge (die) blood !bl0d? I think he’s hurt. There’s blood on his shirt. Blut (das) to scream out !skri"m *aUt? for sth. My whole body is screaming out for air. nach etw. schreien to kick !kIk? (hard) I kick and kick until I get to the surface. hier: strampeln, mit den Beinen schlagen thought !TC"t? I just have one thought. Gedanke (der) to sink !sINk? I can feel my body begin to sink. sinken exhausted !Ig*zC"stId? The boy is too exhausted to swim to the surface. erschöpft 4 to dive !daIv? – dived !daIvd? I have been diving for too long. tauchen annoyed !E*nCId? The girl in picture 4 looks annoyed. verärgert, genervt 5 operation !OpE*reISn? The doctor is trying to use pig hearts in operations. Operation (die) although !C"l*DEU? The doctor agrees to try the operation on Cameron, although it has never been done before. obwohl, allerdings bottom !*bOtm? Finally, he is able to touch the bottom of the pool. Boden (der), Grund (der) 6 to repeat sth. !rI*pi"t? Highlight words that are repeated. etw. wiederholen 7 poem !*pEUIm? Read the first four lines of the poem by Charlotte Brontë. Gedicht (das) 8 to be/feel embarrassed !Im*bxrEst? She feels embarrassed about what happened. verlegen, peinlich berührt sein 9 reason !*ri"zn? That’s the reason why Li is so happy. Grund (der) Vocabulary Tip: Buddy books Do you remember the buddy book you made in unit 3? A buddy book is also very useful for working with words. Make a new buddy book in which you write the words you like best or find difficult. T 62 10 Unit Extreme emotions sixty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv