Prime Time 3, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Listening: It’s been a bad day a) Listen to the dialogues. Fill in the gaps and tick if the sentences are T (= true) or F (= false). 1. The boy is talking to his mother . 2. The girl is talking to . 3. Both are talking about something that makes them feel . T F 4. The boy has been staying out late a lot recently.  5. The boy finds it hard to concentrate on school work. 6. The boy’s mother thinks he should stop thinking about someone. 7. The girl’s friend can see that she is not feeling well. 8. The girl and the dog were playing on the street. 9. The girl hasn’t had Cody for a long time. b) Listen again and match the feelings below with the speakers. Write the correct numbers (boy = 1, mother = 2, first girl = 3, second girl = 4) next to the emotions. 1. understanding: 2. hopeless: 3. sad: 4. disappointed: 2 5. angry: 6. lovesick: Writing: Don’t worry – it’s just a story! Complete the text. Each line stands for a letter. I need to take a deep b 1 . My eyes are s 2 because I’ve been c 3 for hours. My lungs are on f 4 because I’ve been s c r e a m i n g 5 so loudly. Is there anything that can put me in a good 6 ? From the b 7 of my heart: it’s a good thing that this is just a story; in real life I couldn’t live with that kind of worry1! 6 l m n I can understand a recording when people speak slowly and clearly, e.g. conversations about difficult situations. 3.12 ch2eq6 7 l m n I can complete a story by adding words that express emotions. 1 worry – Sorge 61 Extreme emotions 10 Unit sixty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv