Prime Time 3, Workbook

English Example sentence German 1 drinking water !*drInkIN wC"tE? Are you sure this is drinking water quality? Trinkwasser (das) quality !kwOlIti? What do you know about the quality of this water? Qualität (die) waterfall !*wC"tEfC"l? We walked along the river until we came to a waterfall. Wasserfall (der) water drop !*wC"tE drOp? There are water drops on the window. Wassertropfen (der) wave !weIv? Look at how big the waves are. Welle (die) 2 water cycle !*wC"tE saIkl? How does the water cycle work on our planet? Wasserkreislauf (der) process !*prEUses? The process of changing from liquid to gas is called evaporation. Prozess (der) heat !hi"t? The sun makes heat and light for the Earth. Hitze (die), Wärme (die) heat up sth. !hi"t *0p? The water is heated up by the sun. etw. erhitzen, etw. erwärmen 3 informative !In*fC"mEtIv? Informative texts use facts and information to describe things. informativ sea life !si" laIf? The oceans are very important for sea life. Meerestiere (die) human being !hju"mEn *bi"IN? They are also important for human beings. Mensch (der) importance !im*pC"tns? On this day, the importance of the oceans is celebrated around the world. Wichtigkeit (die) pollution !pE*lu"Sn? Pollution is a big problem for our oceans. Verschmutzung (die) climate change !*klaImEt tSeIndZ? The oceans’ temperatures are changing because of climate change. Klimawandel (der) 4 facts and figures !*fIgE? Read the facts and figures about water. Fakten (die) und Zahlen (die) brain !breIn? 75% of our brain is water. Gehirn (das) bone !bEUn? Water helps the bones to move. Knochen (der) weight !weIt? How much of your body weight is water? Gewicht (das) 5 use !ju"s? (of water) The use of water per person per year is highest in the US. (Wasser-)Nutzung (die) bar chart !*bA" tSA"t? Look at the bar chart and answer the questions. Balkendiagramm (das) 7 saltwater !*sOltwC"tE? The water on Earth is about 97% saltwater. Salzwasser (das) glacier !*glxsIE? Some freshwater is locked up in glaciers. Gletscher (der) 9 tap !txp? When you brush your teeth, turn off the tap. Wasserhahn (der) sponge !sp0ndZ? We wash the car with a sponge. Schwamm (der) Vocabulary Tip: Use new words in conversations Use the new words as often as possible, in conversations and writings, or you can pick three words from the list below and make sentences with them. T 1. 2. 3. 44 7 Unit Water is life forty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv