Prime Time 3, Workbook

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Reading and language in use: Don’t take water for granted! a) Read the text below and answer the questions. Tick the correct answer. Everybody knows it. Everybody uses it. Everybody needs it. Water! It is the basis of life and only a tiny amount of all the water on Earth is fresh and can be used for drinking. Imagine all the water in the world in a bucket of ten litres. Only two teaspoons of it can be used as fresh drinking water. The problem with water is that people, especially in richer countries like the USA, Australia or Germany, use too much groundwater. Of course, water is a global issue1, but it is also a very local issue and every single person should use water carefully. Sometimes people forget that we all live in a hydrosphere. That means that all our water resources are connected in the water cycle. Water that runs in a river in India, for example, could also end up in the Hudson River in New York City or make a cup of tea in the Queen’s palace. The problem really is that people think there is enough water on our planet. They think that water is just there, and they can use as much of it as they want to, but that is not true. In fact, we use some of tomorrow’s water to have enough water today. We use too many of our water resources in ways that are completely wrong. Everybody, every single person, needs to think about how to use water carefully, and we need to start to act at an individual level. 1. What is the text all about? 2. How much drinking water is there on Earth? a) The quality of drinking water a) Enough for everybody b) The water cycle b) About a teaspoon for every 5 litres c) We take water for granted  c) About one bucket for everybody d) Most water is polluted d) There’s no drinking water on Earth. 3. What does “hydrosphere” mean? 4. What should every single person do? a) Water is a global issue. a) Everybody should drink more water. b) All water collects in rivers. b) We should take water for granted. c) You can’t drink water from NY. c) People should act carefully and responsibly. d) All water resources are connected. d) Every single person should use more water. b) Read the text again and find the words/phrases below in the text. Highlight them and write them down on the lines below. 1. a very small number of something = 2. water that collects below the earth’s surface = 3. a natural flow2 of fresh water across the land into the sea = 8 5 10 1 issue – Angelegenheit, Problem, Frage l m n I can understand a factual text and find specific information. 2 flow – hier: das Fließen 43 Water is life 7 Unit forty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Ei entum des Verlags öbv