Prime Time 3, Workbook

Save water – protect our planet Quiz time: Every drop counts! Do the crossword below and find the missing words. Reading: Water, water everywhere – save it if you care a) Read the story about Winnie and how she started her day. “Winnie, it’s time to get up!” her mum said. She opened her eyes and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. “I need some ice-cold water to wake up and get some energy,” Winnie said to herself turning on the tap. “If I wait long enough, the water will be ice-cold … I guess.” After one minute, Winnie decided to drink the water. Then she started brushing her teeth, while the water kept running and running. “Mum, can I have some cornflakes with milk, please?” Winnie asked her mum while brushing her teeth. Three minutes later, her teeth were brushed, and the water was turned off. Next, Winnie climbed into the shower and turned on the water. Of course, it took a few minutes to get some nice, warm water. While washing her hair, she began to sing her favourite song. “I think my voice sounds really good …much better than in the music lessons!” Winnie thought with a smile on her face. “Winnie,” her mum angrily knocked at the bathroom door, “you’ve been in that shower for ten minutes. There won’t be any warm water left for me. So, come out of there now.” A few minutes later, they all sat around the table eating breakfast. “You’ll be late again for school. Hurry up!” Winnie’s mum said. “Mum, don’t be so angry. Why are you in such a bad mood?” Her mum answered angrily, “Oh, that dripping tap in the bathroom kept me awake all night long. I couldn’t sleep.” “Oh, I see!” Winnie said and put her lunch in her schoolbag. “I have to run, mum … my bus …!” and Winnie hurried off to school. b) How could Winnie save some water? Write an e-mail to her and give her at least two tips how to save water. Write the text in your exercise book. 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Down: 1. When washing a car, use a sponge and a … 3. To produce 1 kg of beef, about 15,000 litres of … are used. 5. Keep your showers as … as possible. 6. When brushing your teeth, turn off the … 7. To water your garden, collect … water. Across: 2. Only turn on the dishwasher when it’s … 4. Try to take showers instead of … 8. Eat more vegetables and less … 9. … taps should be fixed. 6 5 10 15 41 7 Unit Water is life forty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv