Prime Time 3, Workbook

Ally’s world of podcasts Focus on form: Question tags a) Choose the correct question tag. 1. They’re working on a podcast project, …  aren’t they? didn’t they? weren’t they? 2. We have done a great job, … didn’t we? haven’t we? have we? 3. You can’t work on the podcast like this, … can’t you? don’t you? can you? 4. They finished the podcast yesterday, … weren’t they? didn’t they? were they? 5. Ally doesn’t like her grandparents, … did she? wasn’t she? does she? 6. Ally got to know a nice boy, … didn’t she? doesn’t she? did she? b) Complete the sentences with correct question tag. 1. Ally doesn’t live in Tyrol with her grandparents, does she ? 2. Ally’s grandparents live in Tyrol, ? 3. Ally has got an Austrian mum, ? 4. Ally was extremely happy by the end of the summer, ? 5. Leo promised to visit Ally in Great Britain, ? 6. Ally‘s podcast was a great success, ? c) Check your grammar: Complete the sentences below with the words from the green box. There are two words you don’t need. 1. If the main part of the sentence is positive, you add a question tag. 2. If the main part of the sentence is negative, you add a question tag. 3. If the sentence contains1 a verb, you use it for the question tag. 3 can • do • modal • negative • positive 1 contain – beinhalten 34 6 Unit Podcasts thirty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv