Prime Time 3, Workbook

Time Out London Remember London’s sights? Complete the names of some of London’s famous sights. The letters in circles give you a new word, when properly arranged. 1. B I G B E N 4. T R O O 2. S T N R B B 5. A N O N 3. A E O R N 6. R R T T O U New word: Focus on form: A postcard from London a) Read Timo’s postcard from London to his teacher. Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the words from the green box. b) Which sights would you like to see in London and why? Write 5 sentences. I would definitely like to see the London Eye because I love looking at a city from above. 1 2 be 2x • go • rain • visit • not see • cannot • see Dear Ms Steiner, We have been 1 here in London for four days now, and so far it 2 great! On our first day we 3 on the London Eye and 4 the whole city from above. I 5 believe how big it is! But yesterday it 6 all day, and we 7 a lot of museums (sad smile). Things I 8 yet, but still want to see: Big Ben, Chinatown and the Harry Potter Tour. I’m hoping for good weather!! See you soon, Timo TO: Ms Laura Steiner Turmgasse 3 6900 Bregenz Austria 27 Unit 5 London twenty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv