Prime Time 3, Workbook

English Example sentence German 1 object !*ObdZIkt? Look at the objects in the pictures below. Objekt (das), Gegenstand (der) symbol !*sImbl? Fill in the right letters and symbols. Symbol (das) table !*teIbl? Complete the table. hier: Tabelle (die) Western !*westEn? Westerns are usually set in the wilderness of the US. Western (der) comedy !*kOmEdi? If you want to laugh, you’ll want to see a comedy. Komödie (die) horror film !*hOrE fIlm? If you want to be scared, watch a horror film. Horrorfilm (der) romance !*rEUmxns? Romances are about love and relationships. Liebesfilm (der) science fiction !saIEns *fIkSn? Science fiction is often set in the future. Sciencefiction (die) action film !*xkSn film? What is your favourite action film? Actionfilm (der) above !E*b0v? Complete the table above. oben 2 actor !*xktE? actress !*xktres? Are you interested in famous actors? Schauspieler (der), Schauspielerin (die) famous !*feImEs? She’s a famous actress in Hollywood. berühmt screen !skri"n? The spoken text is written on the screen. Leinwand (die); Bildschirm (der) TV programme !ti"*vi" prEUgrxm? I prefer TV programmes that are set in the UK. Fernsehsendung (die) to fall in love !l0v? with sb. The two people fall in love with each other but there are some problems. sich in jmdn. verlieben to solve !sEUlv? a problem They have to solve the problems before they can be happy together. ein Problem lösen 3 someone else !s0mw0n *els? It would be wonderful to become someone else. jemand anderer play !pleI? Have you ever been in a play? Theaterstück (das) not anyone !*enIwan? I didn’t know anyone in the entertainment business. niemand not anything !*enITIN? I haven’t seen anything I like. nichts 4 bar !bA"? She was a waitress in a bar. Bar (die), Lokal (das) crazy !*kreIzi? He was a crazy man who killed an actress. verrückt not anymore !*enImC"? She doesn’t get any roles anymore. nicht mehr 5 creative !krI*eItIv? It’s a very creative job. kreativ to skype !skaIp? I skype with my teachers and do online research. skypen 6 title !*taItl? Give the title, the director’s name and the year the film was made. Titel (der) summary !*s0mri? Say what the film is about in a short summary. Zusammenfassung (die) to direct !daI*rekt? The film was directed by two people. Regie führen acting !*xktIN? I love the acting in this road movie. Darstellung (die) 7 forest !*fOrIst? The children like playing in the forest. Wald (der) cartoon !ka"*tu"n? This is a lovely cartoon! Zeichentrickfilm (der) scientist !*saIEntIst? Scientists have found a new star. Wissenschaftler (der), Wissenschaftlerin (die) Vocabulary Tip: Explain words in English Choose some nouns and explain what they mean in English. “An actor is someone who …” “A summary is something which …” T 26 4 Unit That’s entertainment! twenty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv