Prime Time 3, Workbook

English Example sentence German 1 surprising !sE*praIzIN? I found it surprising that she did this. überraschend, erstaunlich odd one out !Od w0n *aUt? He was always the odd one out at school. Außenseiter (der), Außenseiterin (die) unusual !0n*ju"ZuEl? It is very unusual for him to miss a lesson. ungewöhnlich, untypisch ever !*evE? Have you ever done any of these activities? jemals 2 chimpanzee !tSImpxn*zi"? She wanted to study chimpanzees. Schimpanse (der) close !klEUs? (to sth.) He got very close to dangerous reptiles. nahe (an etw.) 3 to die !daI? Her mother died soon after she was born. sterben to hunt !h0nt? He hunted crocodiles which lived close to people’s homes. jagen to kill !kIl? We hunted the animals without killing them. töten someday !*s0mdeI? She dreamt of going to Africa someday. eines Tages to discover !*dIsk0vE? She discovered new and exciting things about chimpanzees. entdecken, herausfinden to notice !*nEUtIs? sth. He noticed strange things about his body. etw. bemerken 4 nature !*neItSE? When she was 12, she started her own nature club. Natur (die) to save !seIv? sth./sb. We all need to do our best to save the planet. etw./jmdn. retten 5 research !rI*s3"tS? !*ri"s3"tS? What have you found in your online research? Recherche (die) exactly !Ig*zxktli? Why exactly are you working on this project? genau plastic !*plxstIk? There are so many plastic bags on the beach. Plastik (das), Plastikto do research We often do online research. recherchieren actually !*xktSuEli? It’s important that we actually do something. wirklich, tatsächlich beginning !bI*gInIN? We’ve done two clean-ups since the beginning of our project. Anfang (der) 6 road !rEUd? Milestones are at the side of the road. Straße (die), Weg (der) far !fA:? A milestone shows you how far the nearest town is. weit (weg) success !sEk*ses? Read about Oprah’s road to success. Erfolg (der) whole !hEUl? She is one of the most famous people in the whole world. ganze/r/s to move (around) As a child, she had to move around a lot. umziehen farm !fA:m? She lived on her grandmother’s farm. Bauernhof (der) church !tS3"tS? She talked a lot in church. Kirche (die) still !stIl? They are still best friends. noch immer to marry !*mxri? They wanted to marry, but they never did. heiraten fear !fIE? Even Oprah’s fears are extraordinary. Angst (die) childhood !*tSaIldhUd? She has liked being on stage since her childhood. Kindheit (die) Vocabulary Tip: Write your own quizzes Writing your own quizzes can help you learn new words. Make a word snake for your partner and use words from this page or the whole unit. T 14 2 Unit What a life! fourteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv