Prime Time 3, Workbook

Claudia Hinterberger Anna Leitner Elisabeth Scharf Stephan Waba Martina Zauner QuickMedia App für Audios Workbook Óë AUDIOS Prime Time 3

Prime Time 3. Workbook, Arbeitsheft Schulbuchnummer: 195134 Mit Bescheid des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung vom 7. August 2019, GZ BMBWF-5.018/0079-Präs/14/2018, gemäß § 14 Absatz 2 und 5 des Schulunterrichtsgesetzes, BGBl. Nr. 472/86, und gemäß den derzeit geltenden Lehrplänen als für den Unterrichtsgebrauch für die 3. Klasse an Neuen Mittelschulen im Unterrichtsgegenstand Englisch (Lebende Fremdsprache) (Lehrplan 2012) und für die 3. Klasse an allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen – Unterstufe im Unterrichtsgegenstand Englisch (Erste lebende Fremdsprache) geeignet erklärt. Dieses Werk wurde auf der Grundlage eines zielorientierten Lehrplans verfasst. Konkretisierung, Gewichtung und Umsetzung der Inhalte erfolgen durch die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler, du bekommst dieses Schulbuch von der Republik Österreich für deine Ausbildung. Bücher helfen nicht nur beim Lernen, sondern sind auch Freunde fürs Leben. Kopierverbot Wir weisen darauf hin, dass das Kopieren zum Schulgebrauch aus diesem Buch verboten ist – § 42 Abs. 6 Urheberrechtsgesetz: „Die Befugnis zur Vervielfältigung zum eigenen Schulgebrauch gilt nicht für Werke, die ihrer Beschaffenheit und Bezeichnung nach zum Schul- oder Unterrichtsgebrauch bestimmt sind.“ Umschlagbild: 68 / Ocean / Corbis Bildrechte: © Bildrecht GmbH/Wien 2020 Audios: Redaktion: Monika Rusch Tontechnik: Fabian Wessely, Tonstudio Soundborn, Wien Sprecherinnen und Sprecher: Sophia Armore, David Culver, Ben Finley, Judith Hauzenberger, Sarah Hauzenberger, Madeleine Hogg, Iris Jones, Anne Kozeluh, Sophie Kozeluh, Fatima Mehreen, Howard Nightingall, Jeremy Penzinger, Yande Petersen, Louisa Popovic, Lorenzo Popovic, Michael Smulik 1. Auflage (Druck 0002) © Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch GmbH & Co. KG, Wien 2020 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Jede Art der Vervielfältigung, auch auszugsweise, gesetzlich verboten. Redaktion: Monika Rusch, Wien Herstellung: Pia Moest, Wien Umschlaggestaltung: Petra Michel, Amberg Layout: Petra Michel, Amberg Illustrationen: Damir Levacic, Purkersdorf; Adam Silye, Wien; Inge Voets, Berlin; Dorothee Wolters, Köln Sprachliche Durchsicht: Alan Duncan, Wien Satz: PER MEDIEN&MARKETING GmbH, Braunschweig Druck: Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H., Horn ISBN 978-3-209-08672-3 (Prime Time AH 3) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Prime Time Workbook 3 Claudia Hinterberger Anna Leitner Elisabeth Scharf Stephan Waba Martina Zauner 1. Scanne den QR-Code und lade die App auf dein Smartphone oder dein Tablet. 2. Scanne deinen Buchumschlag oder wähle dein Schulbuch in der App-Medienliste aus. 3. Scanne eine mit gekennzeichnete Buchseite oder wähle ein Audio/Video aus der App-Medienliste aus. 4. Spiele das Audio/Video ab. QuickMedia App Android iOS Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

2 Key p. 93 Journeys p. 3 What a life p. 9 Children’s rights p. 15 That’s entertainment! p. 21 London p. 27 Podcasts p. 33 Water is life p. 39 Picture-perfect p. 45 What if …? p. 51 Extreme emotions p. 57 Canada p. 63 Stop the bullying in our school – a play p. 69 Agree to disagree p. 75 It’s all about language p. 81 Being different p. 87 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 two Contents Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

My holiday experience Ally’s podcast a) Match the sentence halves about Ally’s holiday experience. 1. Ally was disappointed because she had changed her mind1 and was really enjoying her time in Austria. 2. The first few days were boring the neighbour’s son found her and helped her get home. 3. One day she was cycling on a mountain road because she didn’t know anyone there. 4. After a while when she suddenly had an accident. 5. This was really a lucky day 1 when her parents told her she had to spend the summer with her grandparents. 6. In the end she was sad to leave because after that she met other people and made new friends. 1 to change one’s mind – seine Meinung ändern b) Fill in the missing letters to complete the phrases from Ally’s story. For each phrase there is a matching picture. 1. t o s p e n d t i m e w i t h g r a n d p a r e n ts B 2. t h v e xp nc 3. t ee e f d 4. t h v a cc d t 5. t f l h pp c) Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1. At the beginning of the holidays I felt 2. During the holidays I 3. At the end of the holidays I 1 A B C D E 3 1 Unit three Journeys Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Past events Focus on form: Past simple and past progressive Write the sentences with the correct form of the past. 1. Sam • walk home • hear • strange noise • suddenly • he Sam was walking home when he suddenly heard a strange noise. 2. I • play computer games • when • the light go out 3. My brother • cook breakfast • while • I • have a shower 4. Aria • fall asleep • when • she • watch TV 5. Tom • break his leg • when • play football • he Language in use: Playing lifeguard Use the words in the green box to complete the text below. 2 3 after • suddenly • then • when • while Playing the hero It happened a few days after 1 the beginning of the holidays. I was reading the newest part of my favourite book series Dragon Rider on a chair in the garden 2 my little sister was playing with her toys in the grass. I was reading about the hero’s1 fight with a dragon, but 3 I heard a loud scream followed by a splashing noise2. I got up and ran towards the pool, scared that my sister had fallen in. I jumped into the water, hysterically looking for her 4 I saw our dog swimming beside me …! He had taken away one of my sister’s dolls and played with it in the water. I felt really stupid 5 , I can tell you! 1 hero – Held 2 splashing noise – Spritzgeräusch 4 1 Unit Journeys four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

An extraordinary journey Listening: Life on a boat Ryan and Mara are giving an interview for their school newspaper about their life on a boat. a) Listen and tick: Ryan and Mara … are still living on a boat. came back from their trip three years ago. were living on a boat for three years. have lived on a boat for the last year. b) Listen again and tick the statements that are true for each child. 1. Ryan, 11  During their trip they stayed in over ten different places for a longer period of time. He liked the time in New Zealand most of all. He really enjoyed the animals and the sea in Thailand. They didn’t have a lot of time for studying when they were on the boat. He liked studying on the boat better than going to school every day. 2. Mara, 14 She thinks ‘travelling’ is not the best way to describe their journey. In her opinion, every place was extraordinary in some way. They were homeschooled and had to take exams every month. She sometimes missed her friends. Describing a journey Complete the acrostic1 for the phrase “Life on a boat” by using each letter as part of another word or phrase. Then show your acrostic to the class. T R A V E L I F E O N A B O A T L I N G 4 3.1 j4p4w2 5 1 acrostic – Versform, bei der zu jedem Buchstaben ein Wort gefunden wird 5 1 Unit Journeys five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Focus on function a) Read Ally’s e-mail to her best friend Rachel and tick the correct statements. Rachel is going to meet Leo on Monday. Leo is going to visit Ally around Christmas. Ally’s not happy that she’s going to leave soon. Ally is making fun1 of her accident. b) Read the e-mail again and complete the table below with the highlighted phrases. past present future I wasn’t, Focus on form Short answers. Match the questions with the short answers. 1. Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, I am. 2. Were Sam and Lisa in your class last year? No, it wasn’t. 3. Are you a new student here? 1 Yes, I did. 4. Did Josh try surfing in the holidays? Yes, she is. 5. Is she happy to be back at school? No, they weren’t. 6. Was this picture in our classroom last year? No, he didn’t. 6 To: Date: 15 July | 18:15 Subject: Great news! Hi Rachel, Do you miss me? ;) You know that at first I wasn’t that excited about my trip to Austria, but right now there’s so much happening, and I’ve got lots to tell you about. The greatest thing is that I’ve met the coolest boy in the world! His name is Leo, and I met him when I was riding my bike on a mountain road. No, really I was sitting on the ground and crying – my ankle was hurt, and my bike was broken! Just kidding – you know that I never cry! ;-)) Leo and I are making plans about meeting in the winter break. He’s going to come to England, so maybe you will meet him, too. We’re quite sad that we’ll have to say goodbye soon. I’m going to land in London on Monday – so see you soon! XOXO Ally 1 to make fun of sth./sb. – sich über etw./jmdn. lustig machen 7 6 Revision six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Language in use: An extraordinary journey Complete the summary about the article “Life on a boat” with the words from the green box. There is one word you do not need. One day the Gilberts, a family of four from Vancouver, decided to do something different 1 with their lives. They bought a sailboat, learned how to 2 it and then left their home and sailed 3 the world for three years. But they weren’t only travelling in that time, and not every day felt like a 4 . The parents both had to work sometimes. Luckily a lot of work can be done from 5 these days. And the two children, Ryan and Mara, didn’t just stop going to school; they were 6 , which means they studied on their own, with the help of tablets. The children say that learning became a lot more practical1 in that time, and they both really enjoyed exploring new 7 , languages and cultures. Although2 they also experienced difficult times, the family said that their 8 was definitely worth it. Reading: Funny holiday complaints Match the phrases to form funny holiday complaints. 1. The beach was the children were scared! 2. We bought Ray Ban sunglasses for five Euros in the street, 1 too sandy! 3. No one told us there would be fish in the sea – can’t they make them smile? 4. The animals in the zoo looked so sad – only to find out that they were fake3! 8 activities • around • computers • countries • different • holiday • homeschooled • journey • navigate l m n I can understand and complete a text. 1 practical – praxisorientiert 2 although – obwohl 9 l m n I can understand holiday complaints. 3 fake – unecht, gefälscht 7 Journeys 1 Unit seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

English Example sentence German 1 journey !*dZ3"ni? During their journey, they were in dangerous situations. Reise (die) sunburn !*s0nb3"n? Did you get a sunburn? Sonnenbrand (der) 2 experience !Ik*spIEriEns? Listen to Ally’s podcast about her holiday experience. Erfahrung (die), Erlebnis (das) travelling !*trxvlIN? I’d like to make a podcast about nature and travelling. Reisen (das) 3 to injure !*IndZE? sth. She injured her leg during a football game. sich etw. verletzen to experience !Ik*spIEriEns? sth. He experienced something new this summer. etw. erleben lonely !*lEUnli? At the beginning of the holidays she felt lonely. einsam during !*djUErIN? During her holidays she met new people. während to fight !faIt? (with sb.) – fought – fought She fought with her grandparents. sich (mit jmdm.) streiten selfish !*selfIS? After the holidays she was more selfish. selbstsüchtig open-minded !EUpn*maIndId? She became more open-minded. aufgeschlossen 4 description !dI*skrIpSn? Listen to the children’s descriptions of past events. Beschreibung (die) each !I"tS? There is one mistake in each story. jede, jeder, jedes to be on one’s way to sth. My family and I were on our way to a theme park. unterwegs zu etw. sein forever !fE*revE? We were waiting forever! ewig memory !*memri? My favourite memory is my birthday party. Erinnerung (die) to surprise !sE*praIz? sb. My parents surprised me with a big present. jmdn. überraschen while !waIl? I was swimming while my mum was reading. während 7 around the world The family went on a journey around the world. (rund) um die Welt to decide !dI*saId? to do sth. Why did they decide to go on the journey? beschließen etw. zu tun to leave it all behind They decided to leave it all behind. alles zurücklassen on board !bC"d? The family lived on board a sailboat for three years. an Bord completely !kEm*pli"tli? We decided to try something completely new. völlig, vollständig to navigate !*nxvIgeIt? The family learned how to navigate a sailboat. steuern, lenken vacation !vE*keISn? (AE) Their trip around the world wasn’t a vacation. Urlaub (der) to be homeschooled !*hEUm*sku"ld? The two children were homeschooled. zu Hause unterrichtet werden to study !*st0di? They had to study the material on their own. lernen to be honest !*OnIst? To be honest, there is a lot of time on a boat. ehrlich gesagt culture !*k0ltSE? The family learned about many new cultures on their trip. Kultur (die) environment !In*vaIrnmEnt? They sailed around the world and saw all kinds of environments. hier: Umgebung (die), Umfeld (das) to explore !Ik*splC"? sth. They were able to explore new environments. etw. erkunden to be worth !w3"T? sth. Nearly everything was worth experiencing. etw. wert sein definitely !*defInEtli? I would definitely like to do a journey around the world. definitiv, auf jeden Fall I guess !ges? … I guess it would be a little boring to live on a boat. Ich schätze … Vocabulary Tip: What’s this word? Choose some words and make a word game for your partner. It could look like this: t v i T 8 1 Unit Journeys eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Everyone can be extraordinary Language in use: What have they done in their lives? Fill in the gaps. Use the words in the green box and write the correct forms of the present perfect tense. Robert Irwin, Steve Irwin’s son, is only a teenager. But he has done lots of extraordinary things. He has acted 1 in films, he 2 wild animals on TV, he 3 to Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA, he 4 wonderful photos of dangerous animals, he 5 a book series about his life and he 6 crocodiles in the Australian bush. Frankenstein’s monster has done a lot of bad things. But the monster is proud of some extraordinary things that he has also done. This is what he says about his life: “I 7 how to speak without1 having a family, I 8 books without going to school, I 9 a girl from drowning2, I 10 a poor family, I 11 the friend of a man who wasn’t able to see and I 12 to the North Pole.” 1 without – ohne 2 to drown – ertrinken Writing: What have you done in your life? Which things have you done that make your life extraordinary? Write five sentences. Use the present perfect tense and some of the sentence starters below. 1 act • be • become • catch • help • learn • present • read • save • take • travel • write 2 Useful phrases What makes my life extraordinary is that I have … I think it’s really special that I have … Lots of people cannot believe that I have … Not many of my friends know that I have … What’s unusual about me is that I have … P 9 Unit nine What a life! 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Making a difference Reading: She has made a difference a) Read the short biography of Jane Goodall. There are six mistakes. Highlight the wrong words. When Jane Goodall was a little girl, she got a stuffed teddy bear. That changed her life. She got more and more interested in animals, and after reading the book Dr Dolittle, she knew she wanted to go to Asia to work with animals. Before she could start her journey, she had to spend some money. In Kenya, her job was to study chimpanzees. She found out that those interesting animals were hiding tools. Jane wrote several books and started the organisation “Roots and Boots”. It helps schools with projects on how to hunt animals. b) Correct the wrong sentences. Write the correct sentences in your exercise book. 1. When Jane Goodall was a little girl, she got a stuffed chimpanzee. Language in use: What has just happened? a) Look at the pictures. What do you think has just happened? Write one sentence for each picture in your exercise book. Use the phrases below and/or your own ideas. Use the present perfect tense. 1. He has just remembered something. b) Think about the situations in the green box in a). Tick what is true about them. they happened long ago they’ve just happened they’re happening now 3 5 4 cut one’s finger • friends knock on the door • get a present • get some bad news • have a surprise • hurt somebody • make a mistake • new neighbours arrive • remember something 1 4 2 5 3 6 10 2 Unit What a life! ten Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Milestones in a life Language in use: Peter’s new life a) Look at the milestones in Peter’s life. b) Complete the short text. Use the information from a). Peter has had a new address since July 1 . He has been at his new school for 2 now. He has known Mary for 3 , but he has liked her very much only since 4 . He has felt confused for 5 now. c) Highlight the verbs in the present perfect tense in b). Then tick what is true for the things mentioned about Peter’s life. they’re no longer important Peter does them every day they’re still like that Reading: Who said what? Read what you’ve found out about Oprah again and match each person with a sentence. 1. Stedham Graham “She’s been my teacher for a long time.” 2. a girl in South Africa “I’ve known her since the early 1970s.” 3. Oprah’s grandma “I’ve found a beautiful name in the Bible.” 4. Oprah Winfrey “She’s always been a great speaker.” 5. Gayle King 1 “We’ve been together for more than twenty years.” 6. Oprah’s mother “I’ve hated chewing gum since my childhood.” 5 6 11 2 Unit What a life! eleven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

The most extraordinary life Language in use: Comparing people by using adjectives a) Read the sentences and compare the extraordinary people. Use the adjectives below. 1. Oprah Winfrey was born in 1954, Mark Zuckerberg was born in 1984. Mark Zuckerberg is younger 1 than Oprah Winfrey. 2. Mary Shelley wrote and travelled a lot. Steve Irwin was famous for getting very close to poisonous snakes and crocodiles. Steve Irwin’s life was 2 than Mary Shelley’s life. 3. Oprah Winfrey owns 4 billion $, Mark Zuckerberg owns 70 billion $. Mark Zuckerberg is 3 than Oprah Winfrey. 4. Mary Shelley’s mother died when she was a baby. Later, two of her children and her husband died very young. Steve Irwin married the love of his life, Terri. They had two children, Bindi and Robert. Steve Irwin’s family life was 4 than Mary Shelley’s family life. 5. Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76 years, Steve Irwin died when he was 44 years old. Stephen Hawking got 5 than Steve Irwin. 6. Mark Zuckerberg is 1,71m tall, Oprah Winfrey is 1,69m tall. Mark Zuckerberg is 6 than Oprah Winfrey. b) Fill in the gaps. Use the superlative form of the adjectives. Steve Irwin, the 1 crocodile hunter ever, got close to the most dangerous 2 animals there are on Earth – he touched the 3 snakes. But there were some animals even he was quite nervous about. The animal he found the 4 to work with was actually the parrot. The parrot is one of the 5 pet birds because it can “talk” and is clever. It really is one of the 6 birds. But Steve Irwin got some of his 7 bites1 from parrots. 7 young dangerous happy old rich tall dangerous bad difficult intelligent poisonous popular good 1 bite – Biss 12 Revision twelve Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Listening: I’m extraordinary, too! a) Listen to the children talking about their lives. Each of the children has something in common with the life of an extraordinary person you’ve read about in this unit. b) Listen again and match the sentence halves. 1. Speaker 1 has some things in common with Oprah Winfrey. 2. A detail in speaker 2’s life is just like something extraordinary in the life of Steve Irwin. 3. Speaker 3 has some things in common with Jane Goodall. 4. Speaker 4 has done some things that … did. 1 Stephen Hawking. 5. Speaker 5 has some things in common with Mary Shelley. Language in use and writing: This has been my life a) Combine the words and phrases in the green boxes with for or since. Write the complete phrases in your exercise book. since Christmas, … b) Use the expressions in a) and the verbs in the green box below to write six sentences that are true for you. Use the present perfect tense. Write in your exercise book. I’ve had the book “Frankenstein” since Christmas. 8 l m n I can understand details in short dialogues. 3.2 e6wy3d register office – Standesamt 9 Christmas 2018 three days a month many years my childhood 8 a.m. this morning two minutes like • know • have • be • want • hate l m n I can write sentences about my life. 13 What a life! 2 Unit thirteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

English Example sentence German 1 surprising !sE*praIzIN? I found it surprising that she did this. überraschend, erstaunlich odd one out !Od w0n *aUt? He was always the odd one out at school. Außenseiter (der), Außenseiterin (die) unusual !0n*ju"ZuEl? It is very unusual for him to miss a lesson. ungewöhnlich, untypisch ever !*evE? Have you ever done any of these activities? jemals 2 chimpanzee !tSImpxn*zi"? She wanted to study chimpanzees. Schimpanse (der) close !klEUs? (to sth.) He got very close to dangerous reptiles. nahe (an etw.) 3 to die !daI? Her mother died soon after she was born. sterben to hunt !h0nt? He hunted crocodiles which lived close to people’s homes. jagen to kill !kIl? We hunted the animals without killing them. töten someday !*s0mdeI? She dreamt of going to Africa someday. eines Tages to discover !*dIsk0vE? She discovered new and exciting things about chimpanzees. entdecken, herausfinden to notice !*nEUtIs? sth. He noticed strange things about his body. etw. bemerken 4 nature !*neItSE? When she was 12, she started her own nature club. Natur (die) to save !seIv? sth./sb. We all need to do our best to save the planet. etw./jmdn. retten 5 research !rI*s3"tS? !*ri"s3"tS? What have you found in your online research? Recherche (die) exactly !Ig*zxktli? Why exactly are you working on this project? genau plastic !*plxstIk? There are so many plastic bags on the beach. Plastik (das), Plastikto do research We often do online research. recherchieren actually !*xktSuEli? It’s important that we actually do something. wirklich, tatsächlich beginning !bI*gInIN? We’ve done two clean-ups since the beginning of our project. Anfang (der) 6 road !rEUd? Milestones are at the side of the road. Straße (die), Weg (der) far !fA:? A milestone shows you how far the nearest town is. weit (weg) success !sEk*ses? Read about Oprah’s road to success. Erfolg (der) whole !hEUl? She is one of the most famous people in the whole world. ganze/r/s to move (around) As a child, she had to move around a lot. umziehen farm !fA:m? She lived on her grandmother’s farm. Bauernhof (der) church !tS3"tS? She talked a lot in church. Kirche (die) still !stIl? They are still best friends. noch immer to marry !*mxri? They wanted to marry, but they never did. heiraten fear !fIE? Even Oprah’s fears are extraordinary. Angst (die) childhood !*tSaIldhUd? She has liked being on stage since her childhood. Kindheit (die) Vocabulary Tip: Write your own quizzes Writing your own quizzes can help you learn new words. Make a word snake for your partner and use words from this page or the whole unit. T 14 2 Unit What a life! fourteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Treat us fairly! Language in use: Adverbs of manner a) Look at the adverbs you have highlighted in the texts about children’s lives in your coursebook. Use them to fill in the gaps below. One line stands for a letter. This can be difficult. But if you try h a r d 1 , you can do it! Read the texts 2 and you’ll find the words in no time! It’s not a good idea to do this task 3 – stay positive and work 4 … You’ve found all the words? 5 done! b) Complete the grids below. adjective adverb adjective adverb well fast angry easily hard quick careful loud happy sadly c) Fill in the gaps. Use the words in the green boxes below. Sometimes you can use the words as adjectives, sometimes you have to form adverbs. 1. Aunt Sita shouted at Mariame. 2. Thierry needs help because he is . 3. Lots of Iranian children learn English very on the computer. 4. Thierry doesn’t get food – it’s very difficult for him. 5. Gabriel doesn’t like sleeping under the bridge because the nights are so . 6. Some Iranian parents think the internet could give their children ideas. 7. Some children treat Anam unfairly because of her dress. 8. The people shut their car windows when they see Gabriel. 9. Mariame no longer wants to do work for no money. 1 unfair angry hard poor cold easy quick bad good 15 Unit 3 fifteen Children’s rights Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Ei entum des Verlags öbv

It’s only right Listening: Buy less, be fair Listen to Max and Toby’s presentation and do the tasks below. T F 1. Many people in Europe use the things they buy only for a short time.  2. When Toby talks about where the things are made, he mentions African countries. 3. Many children who have to work aren’t treated well. 4. It is very hard for children in Europe to help change this unfair situation. 5. Two of the boys’ tips are about … a) making presents yourself. b) working at secondhand shops1. c) buying new things. d) organising special school events. 1 second-hand shop – Gebrauchtwarengeschäft Reading and writing: What should I do? a) Read what the teenagers wrote and match the answers. There are two answers too many. A Ask at school if you’re allowed to organise an event and take your things there. Maybe someone else wants them. B You can easily make them yourself. Just look online for videos that show you how or go to a school club where you can learn that kind of thing. C If you have too much pocket money, just give it to the children’s hospital. They need to buy new toys so that the kids are able to play. D I’m not so sure. I think children have to make them. And that’s not cool at all; that’s unfair. E Second-hand shops have some cool clothes that are not that expensive. Of course, they are not new, but maybe you’ll find something you like. F You’re right – girls usually like expensive things. I can lend you some money. b) Choose one of the teenagers’ questions and write your own answer. 2 3.3 bd9657 3 Luke, 14 It’s my friend’s birthday, and I want to get her a present. Where can I get nice and cheap things? Clara, 13 Don’t you think the new Fly Now sneakers are really cool? Aileen, 13 I have to buy a cool new T-shirt for my sister’s party next week, but I’m not allowed to spend too much pocket money. What should I do? Paul, 12 I’m not allowed to keep all my old clothes. What can I do with them? 16 3 Unit Children’s rights sixteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Your life – your rights Writing: Ally’s poster a) Read the protest poster made by Ally and the other pupils in the student council. Fill in the missing words/phrases. There are two words/phrases too many. b) Make two protest posters for each of the following situations: • Bullying is a problem at your school, but the teachers don’t care. • There are going to be school uniforms, but the pupils want to wear their own clothes. 4 Adults should treat us fairly 1 ! School food 2 be good food! We don’t have to 3 everything! Kids must eat 4 ! Take our opinion 5 ! We’re 6 say what we think is right! fairly allowed to careful healthily mustn’t put up with seriously should Reading and writing: The student council a) Read the poster. The student council is looking for new members. b) Write two more things you think members of the student council … • should be able to do. • are allowed to do. • must do. 1. They should be able to present ideas well. 5 Can you work closely with teachers to find the best solution? Can you make surveys to find out what other pupils think about an idea? Yes? Then read on! In the student council you’re allowed to …  say freely what you think  organise cool school events For the student council you must …  make sure that pupils are treated fairly  listen carefully to what others have to say 17 3 Unit Children’s rights seventeen Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Enough is enough! Reading and language in use: Malala’s story  CB, p. 11 a) Read Malala Yousafzai’s story about her life and fill in the gaps with the correct past tense forms of the words below. Use past simple or past progressive. I was born in Pakistan in 1997. When I was a young girl, my father taught 1 at a girls’ school in our village. I just loved going there! But things changed when the Taliban, a violent religious group, 2 very powerful. We weren’t allowed to watch TV or play music. And girls weren’t allowed to go to school anymore. But going to school is a right all children have! So I 3 to write blogs and I often 4 about our rights in front of many people. One day in 2012 I 5 to school by bus when suddenly a man 6 on the bus and asked: “Who is Malala?” And then he tried to kill me. Ten days later, I 7 up in a hospital in Britain. The doctors 8 me that people all over the world 9 for me to get better. For months, I 10 for my life. When I felt better again, I 11 what I wanted to do. I wanted every girl to be able to go to school. For years, I 12 very hard for that to happen. For my work I got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. But my work isn’t done yet. There are still a lot of girls who aren’t allowed to go to school. That’s not fair! b) Find the correct order. Then highlight all the verbs in the past progressive. right to go to school. But then, a man from the Taliban group hurt her when she was because they weren’t allowed to. For some time, Malala was informing others about the 1 When Malala was a child, her father was working at a school for girls. When the Taliban girl was slowly getting better. Then she started to fight for girls’ rights again. became powerful in Malala’s village, girls couldn’t go to school anymore riding on the bus. Some time later she discovered that she was in Britain. The 6 go become get pray know fight teach start tell work speak wake 18 Revision eighteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Language in use: Adverbs and their opposite meaning Read the questions and complete the answers. Use the correct adverbs. 1. Does Anam talk about her experiences loudly? No, she talks about them . 2. Do most Iranian kids speak English badly? No, they speak it . 3. Was Mariame treated fairly when she had to work? No, she was treated . 4. Should you read the children’s texts slowly? No, you should read them quickly . 5. Does Gabriel talk about his work happily? No, he talks about it . Reading: Everyday lives Read the two texts and decide what is true for Sanyu (S) or Aya (A). There is one thing that is true for both. There are two things which are not true for either1 of them. My name’s Sanyu and I live with eight boys in an old bus in Uganda. I live there because my parents died in the war2 four years ago and I had to run away and hide here. Every morning, I go to the city to work there. Sometimes I can sell some soap. However, the police don’t like the boys selling things. If they catch us, they take us to the police station, beat us or send us to Nagullu, a boys’ home. I hate it there; we aren’t allowed to go out and the food is so bad. I’m Aya and I come from Syria. But now my family and I live in northern Lebanon because it’s safer here. We had to leave our house because of the war. The house we live in now is very bad. There isn’t a toilet with running water. The worst thing is that there aren’t many things I can do here. I think it’s sad that I can’t go to school and I don’t have any friends here. So I just write and draw most of the time. Sometimes I have to get some water. But we don’t know if the water is clean or not. Who … has to work? S 1 is not sure if the drinking water is safe? 2 isn’t allowed to leave a home for children? 3 lives in a good house? 4 misses school? 5 lives alone? 6 could say “I miss my parents”? 7 had to flee their home? 8 could say “I want to learn new things again”? 9 could say “I hope they won’t catch me”? 10 7 l m n I can understand and use adverbs of manner in sentences. 8 l m n I can understand texts about everyday life. 1 either of them – keine(r) von beiden 2 war – Krieg 19 Children’s rights 3 Unit nineteen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

English Example sentence German 1 need !ni"d? All children have the same needs. Notwendigkeit (die), Bedürfnis (das) opinion !E*pInjEn? Adults should take your opinion seriously. Meinung (die) properly !*prOpEli? Your family should help you use your rights properly. richtig, korrekt adult !E*d0lt? Just like adults, children have rights. Erwachsener (der), Erwachsene (die) 2 to treat !tri"t? sb. fairly !feEli? Treat us fairly! jmdn. fair behandeln Asia !*eIZE? This child is from Asia. Asien (das) Africa !*xfrIkE? Does he live in Africa? Afrika (das) Europe!*jUErep? Austria is in Europe. Europa (das) enough !I*n0f? Not all families have enough money for the things children need. genug to give sb. bad ideas Some families are afraid the internet could give children bad ideas. jmdn. auf dumme Gedanken bringen bridge !brIdZ? Gabriel has to sleep under a bridge. Brücke (die) to sell !sel? sth. – sold !sEUld? – sold !sEUld? I have to sell sweets to earn some money and help my family. verkaufen powerful !*paUEfUl? I would like powerful people to help me. mächtig to hit !hIt? sb. – hit !hIt? – hit !hIt? Sometimes our teacher hit us. jmdn schlagen blond !blOnd? Sometimes blond children bully me because of my darker skin. blond 3 tradition !trE*dISn? You have a right to follow your family’s tradition. Tradition (die) health !helT? You should not have to do work that is bad for your health. Gesundheit (die) 4 protest !*prEUtest? The student council are making plans for a protest. Protest (der) action !*xkSn? It is a kind of action that shows you don’t like something. Tat (die), Handlung (die) idea !aI*dIE? They share their ideas with the teachers. Gedanke (der), Idee (die) I don’t care. Es ist mir egal. to make sure !meIk *SC:? The members make sure that teachers listen to the pupils’ opinions. sichergehen 5 flat !flxt? Lay the paper flat on your desk. flach to fill !fIl? sth. Fill the pages of your buddy book. etw. füllen keyword !*ki"w3"d? You can write keywords or full sentences. Stichwort (das) 6 religion !rI*lIdZn? Get to know different religions. Religion (die) expert !*eksp3"t? They invited experts to talk about bullying. Experte (der), Expertin (die) Vocabulary Tip: Make long nonsense sentences Choose some words and write funny sentences. They should be long. You can start like this: “Blond ideas sell keywords under the bridge and …” T Blond ideas … 20 3 Unit Children’s rights twenty Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Inside the industry Listening and writing: Guess who or what a) Listen to some teenagers who are playing a guessing game. One player describes someone or something to do with the entertainment industry, and the other one has to guess what or who it is. Write the number of the dialogue in the green boxes. Which dialogue is about … a job in the entertainment industry? 2 a famous actress? a cooking show? a film genre? b) Listen again and fill in the gaps. Use some, any or someone. 1. The winners of a British cooking show don’t get 1 money for a prize, but 2 of them become famous in the UK. 2. The girl is describing 3 who was an actress as a child. This actress played a girl who didn’t have 4 friends at first. 3. Usually, there aren’t 5 action scenes in romantic movies but there are 6 scenes which can be quite funny. 4. There are 7 directors who are very famous in the industry. c) Read the note cards and complete the genre descriptions. Match the note cards and the descriptions. Then match each description with a picture. Cool cars! Actions scenes  Aliens  In this genre there are lots of romantic Funny scenes! Live music  Spoken dialogue  It is a type of film which has a lot of cool cars and some action scenes. Usually, there aren’t any aliens. Love scenes! Problems they must solve  Scary moments  It is a type of film which Sometimes these films have some live music, but there isn’t 1 3.4 bn4vr2 Silent movie Someone’s knocking! Road movie Looking for something. Will she find it? Romance It’s love. 1 2 3 21 Unit 4 That’s entertainment! twenty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Not everything that glitters is gold Reading: Hollywood is lying a) Match the sentence halves. 2 1. Sometimes I wonder: someone else in front of the camera. 2. Somewhere in Los Angeles somewhere over the rainbow. 3. They dream but don’t get any it wouldn’t be there. 4. I can’t go anywhere, and if I could, 1 is Hollywood lying to us? 5. All the glitter is just fake, saying to the real me: “Au revoir!”1 6. They’re wonderful, they’re becoming they just feel so low2. 7. But how do they feel inside? Hollywood’s giving me a headache. 8. They’re finding a pot of gold – They don’t feel anything at all! 9. But at the end of the day, sleep at night – Hollywood really is lying! 10. Someday I’ll be a star, dreams come true. 1 Au revoir – Auf Wiedersehen 2 to feel low – traurig sein b) Highlight sentence parts in the text above which have the meaning of … Writing: A little something about me Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1. Something not many people know about me is that 2. I don’t know anybody who 3. I would really like to meet somebody who 4. I don’t know anything about another person at some time in the future feel nothing at some place 3 22 4 Unit That’s entertainment! twenty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Zooming in Reading: A film review a) Read and order the film review. Page 36 in your coursebook will help you. There are a lot of excellent action scenes. But this is a film for everyone: there are even some nice romantic moments, so watch for the love story between Katniss and Peeta! This science fiction film tells a dark story about a strong girl who fights for her family and herself. It is based on the book written by Suzanne Collins. 5 I have loved the book for a long time. Maybe the film is not as good as the book, but I enjoyed watching it a lot. In the future, there is a huge country called Panem. Every year the powerful people in Panem choose 12 girls and 12 boys who have to be in a show called The Hunger Games. This TV show is a horrible contest in which there can be only one winner. Katniss has to fight in the Hunger Games because she wants to save her little sister. Will Katniss win the Hunger Games? Will she ever see her family again? The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross (2012) b) Fill in who or which in these sentences. 1. The Hunger Games is a film tells a dark story about a girl named Katniss. 2. Katniss is a strong girl is good at fighting. 3. Powerful people in Panem choose 24 children have to fight in the Hunger Games. 4. The TV show The Hunger Games shows a contest can only have one winner. 5. People like action will enjoy this film. 6. Suzanne Collins is the author wrote the book The Hunger Games. c) Fill in the gaps. A film review is a short text that gives some 1 information about the director and the 2 . It summarises the 3 , says which 4 it is and how good or bad the film is. A film 5 ’s job is to review 6 films. 4 review actors story basic critic genre 23 4 Unit That’s entertainment! twenty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Have you heard the latest? Focus on form: Present perfect a) Read the articles and circle a), b) or c). Info Tabloids are popular newspapers which have many pictures and small pages. The articles in a tabloid are usually quite short and very shocking. i  CB, p. 21 5 always be • be • choose • have (2x) • hear • not be • start • want • cast 1 glamorous – glamourös, glitzernd 1. a) have been b) has been c) is 2. a) has not had b) doesn’t have c) has done 3. a) has seen b) didn’t see c) haven’t seen 4. a) have found b) are finding c) will find 5. a) didn’t have b) has had c) have loved 6. a) is b) haven’t been c) has been b) Complete the two dialogues with the correct forms of the words from the green box. A: 1 anything about Tom? B: No, why? A: Well, 2 to be an actor for years. You know that, right? B: Oh, yes. I often told him he shouldn’t give up2 a job that 3 since he was 16. A: And he’s always been 4 so good at this job! B: Well, what happened? A: Nothing, actually. But 5 really disappointed for a long time. Nobody 6 him for a role yet. C: Is Holly still dreaming about becoming a star? D: 7 to take dance classes, so I think so, yes. C: Poor Holly, 8 able to sleep at night for years! She’s just always dreaming about Hollywood. D: Yes. But working in a bar doesn’t help. She cannot get any sleep! C: When did her sleeping problems start? D: Well, 9 her job at the bar for five years. I think it all started back then. 2 to give up – aufgeben Marilyn Magnificent 1 one of the most exciting stars in all Hollywood since 1977! However, she 2 a role for years. Is she too old to play in one of those glamorous1 shows? We 3 her in public since February last year. Marilyn, if you read this: You’re still our favourite star! We miss you! The police 4 her dead in her house in Malibu. Fran 5 a huge fan for years. The police think that he killed her last night. The 55-year-old man 6 in love with the actress since he saw her in “Love is in the Air”. Detective Blacksmith told us Fran never answered the man’s letters. Is that why she had to die such a horrible death? Where has she been? Shocking murder of Fran Fabulous! 24 Revision twenty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

l = This is easy m = This is okay n = This is difficult Check out Language in use: Tony’s e-mail a) Lalitha is a successful film producer who is working on a film project. She can’t be at an important meeting and sends Tony, her assistant, to take notes. Read his notes. b) Now read the e-mail that Tony sends to Lalitha. Fill in the gaps. Use one colour for writing who or which and a different one for writing (words starting with) some or any. Dear Lalitha, I hope everything is going well in NYC2! Of course, there are still 1 open questions, but this is what we discussed at the meeting today. We decided that we won’t choose anyone 2 famous because we don’t have enough money. Now we are looking for young actors 3 are easy to work with. Of course, we’ll try to find people who have 4 experience in the business. The most important thing is to find 5 who is perfect for the main role. We would also have some action scenes but not any which 6 cost too much money. We haven’t found 7 places in Ireland that we can use for filming. So, we need 8 people who are very creative on set! We didn’t have any time to talk about the title of our movie, but we said that everyone should have some ideas 9 we can discuss at the next meeting. Is there 10 that we should talk about before the next meeting? CU, Tony c) Highlight the detail in Tony’s e-mail that is different from what he wrote in his first notes. 6 1 landscape – Landschaft Film project Any famous actors? No, not enough money, young actors – but they must be easy to work with – maybe someone with a little experience; important: main role Action scenes? Yes, some. But not too expensive ones! Filming in Ireland – film must have some nice landscapes1! Film title? Find ideas before next meeting! l m n I can understand and complete an e-mail. 2 NYC – New York City 25 That’s entertainment! 4 Unit twenty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

English Example sentence German 1 object !*ObdZIkt? Look at the objects in the pictures below. Objekt (das), Gegenstand (der) symbol !*sImbl? Fill in the right letters and symbols. Symbol (das) table !*teIbl? Complete the table. hier: Tabelle (die) Western !*westEn? Westerns are usually set in the wilderness of the US. Western (der) comedy !*kOmEdi? If you want to laugh, you’ll want to see a comedy. Komödie (die) horror film !*hOrE fIlm? If you want to be scared, watch a horror film. Horrorfilm (der) romance !*rEUmxns? Romances are about love and relationships. Liebesfilm (der) science fiction !saIEns *fIkSn? Science fiction is often set in the future. Sciencefiction (die) action film !*xkSn film? What is your favourite action film? Actionfilm (der) above !E*b0v? Complete the table above. oben 2 actor !*xktE? actress !*xktres? Are you interested in famous actors? Schauspieler (der), Schauspielerin (die) famous !*feImEs? She’s a famous actress in Hollywood. berühmt screen !skri"n? The spoken text is written on the screen. Leinwand (die); Bildschirm (der) TV programme !ti"*vi" prEUgrxm? I prefer TV programmes that are set in the UK. Fernsehsendung (die) to fall in love !l0v? with sb. The two people fall in love with each other but there are some problems. sich in jmdn. verlieben to solve !sEUlv? a problem They have to solve the problems before they can be happy together. ein Problem lösen 3 someone else !s0mw0n *els? It would be wonderful to become someone else. jemand anderer play !pleI? Have you ever been in a play? Theaterstück (das) not anyone !*enIwan? I didn’t know anyone in the entertainment business. niemand not anything !*enITIN? I haven’t seen anything I like. nichts 4 bar !bA"? She was a waitress in a bar. Bar (die), Lokal (das) crazy !*kreIzi? He was a crazy man who killed an actress. verrückt not anymore !*enImC"? She doesn’t get any roles anymore. nicht mehr 5 creative !krI*eItIv? It’s a very creative job. kreativ to skype !skaIp? I skype with my teachers and do online research. skypen 6 title !*taItl? Give the title, the director’s name and the year the film was made. Titel (der) summary !*s0mri? Say what the film is about in a short summary. Zusammenfassung (die) to direct !daI*rekt? The film was directed by two people. Regie führen acting !*xktIN? I love the acting in this road movie. Darstellung (die) 7 forest !*fOrIst? The children like playing in the forest. Wald (der) cartoon !ka"*tu"n? This is a lovely cartoon! Zeichentrickfilm (der) scientist !*saIEntIst? Scientists have found a new star. Wissenschaftler (der), Wissenschaftlerin (die) Vocabulary Tip: Explain words in English Choose some nouns and explain what they mean in English. “An actor is someone who …” “A summary is something which …” T 26 4 Unit That’s entertainment! twenty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Time Out London Remember London’s sights? Complete the names of some of London’s famous sights. The letters in circles give you a new word, when properly arranged. 1. B I G B E N 4. T R O O 2. S T N R B B 5. A N O N 3. A E O R N 6. R R T T O U New word: Focus on form: A postcard from London a) Read Timo’s postcard from London to his teacher. Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the words from the green box. b) Which sights would you like to see in London and why? Write 5 sentences. I would definitely like to see the London Eye because I love looking at a city from above. 1 2 be 2x • go • rain • visit • not see • cannot • see Dear Ms Steiner, We have been 1 here in London for four days now, and so far it 2 great! On our first day we 3 on the London Eye and 4 the whole city from above. I 5 believe how big it is! But yesterday it 6 all day, and we 7 a lot of museums (sad smile). Things I 8 yet, but still want to see: Big Ben, Chinatown and the Harry Potter Tour. I’m hoping for good weather!! See you soon, Timo TO: Ms Laura Steiner Turmgasse 3 6900 Bregenz Austria 27 Unit 5 London twenty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

A trip to London Focus on form: Getting lost1 on the tube Peter Hatcher got lost on the tube on his school trip to London. Complete his chat with his best friend Aaron with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 3 1 to get lost – verloren gehen 2 cheer up! – Kopf hoch! Pete23 (9:03) Ugh, don’t ask … Pete (9:06) Well, we 4 (be) on our way back from the Globe Theatre to the train station when I completely 5 (forget) to get off the tube at Monument Station and went on alone … Pete23 (9:11) Well, half an hour later one of my teachers finally 9 (have to) come and get me from the station where I’d got off. I don’t think I 10 (ever, be) so stupid in my life! Pete23 (9:04) I can’t believe you 3 (not hear) about it. I’m sure everyone in my class is talking about me … Pete23 (9:11) I just hope sooner than later! Pete23 (9:07) Sounds as if you 7 (never be) on the tube before! I just couldn’t understand the map. Do you know how many stations there are? AaronX (9:13) Oh, cheer up2, mate! Everyone will forget about it sooner or later … AaronX (9:05) What?? Come on. Tell me …! AaronX (9:09) Nope, sorry. So what 8 (do) then? AaronX (9:03) Why? What 2 (happen)? AaronX (8:59) Hi, Pete! Didn’t you go on your school trip to London today? How was 1 (be) it? AaronX (9:07) So what? 6 (go) to the train station on your own then? 28 5 Unit London twenty-eight Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv

Voices of London Facts about London Look at the infographic and complete the mind map. Then write sentences in your exercise book. 4 There are over 1,000 interesting places to choose from – more than anywhere else in the world. of the UK population (2017) different languages spoken Train Tube Bus Cab over cinemas visitors in 2017 compared to1 14.7 million in 2010 (before the Olympic Games 2012) Visitors spent £13.5 billion in 2017 compared to £8.7 billion in 2010. bike journeys made each day 19.8 million 13.3% 300 15,500 110 theatres restaurants 720,000 160 LONDON tourism culture people transport The most popular form of transport in London is the train. 1 compared to – im Vergleich zu 29 5 Unit London twenty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv