Prime Time 2, Workbook

Watching a gladiator training a) Fill the gaps with the correct tenses. Use past tense simple or progressive. Yesterday Priscilla and I 1 (go) to a gladiator training class. Priscilla could hardly wait to watch her heroes in action. Cato, our private tutor, 2 (come) with us. He 3 (can) explain to us what was going on during the training. It 4 (be) half past five in the afternoon. The sun 5 (shine) brightly down on the gymnasium. Lucullus, Priscilla’s favourite, 6 (get) ready for his exercises. He 7 (hold) a trident in his right hand. This is a weapon which looks like an oversized fork. In his left hand he 8 (hold) a net. While he 9 (warm up), another gladiator 10 (appear). He 11 (wear) a helmet with some feathers on top. He also 12 (have) a huge shield and a short sword. They 13 (start) to fight against each other and Priscilla 14 (get) more and more excited. She 15 (keep) her fingers crossed for Lucullus to win the fight. Cato, who 16 (watch) Priscilla’s growing excitement, now 17 (turn) to us, “Do you know what it means to win a gladiator fight?” he asked. “It means to kill another man.” b) Gladiators were heroes in the past. Who are our modern heroes? Why do you admire them? Why don’t you admire them? Write a short text of about 80 words in which you answer the questions. Example texts a) Lots of people admire football stars. My favourite footballer is … . I think he/she is fantastic because he/she scores goals in every single match. He/she runs faster than all the other players. I know that he/she trains very hard every day to be such a good footballer. I also like him/her also for his /her fair play. He/she never fouls anybody. And that’s a hero for me. b) Lots of people admire famous footballers, skiers, racing drivers, boxing champions and many more. They are heroes for them, but I think that they fight hard, risk their health and even their lives only for money. That’s stupid. I don’t admire them. For me heroes are people who risk their lives to help poor people, for example in countries where there are earthquakes and floods. 10 87 16 Unit Fact detectives eighty-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv