Prime Time 2, Workbook

Sports and games Chariot races A Roman citizen hands over a scroll to a messenger who is going to take it to the citizens of Britannia. It explains to them what chariot races are. a) Read through the document. You will find a mistake in each line. b) Underline the mistakes. c) Some words must be crossed out. Put an X in the box at the end of the line. d) Others must be corrected. Write the correct word in the box at the end of the line. Citizens of Britannia, I want to tell you what chariot races are. They can X are entertainment for the masses, but they are not as violent as for fights between gladiators. In Rome they take place at the Circulus Maximus. It is a square stadium for 200,000 spectators. They all come to support their team and to see a boring race. There are usually four an exciting teams, the Red, White, Blue and Green. They drive their cars seven times round the stadium and the faster team wins the race. A chariot has two wheels and must be light to be fast. The driver drives to four galloping horses, which push the cart. Sometimes the horses stumble and the driver flies off his cart. Such accidents are often very dangerous. This sport is the least popular sport in our Empire. But not everyone is a fan. Most the people of a higher rank don’t like the fans’ bad behaviour so they don’t want to stop all the races. Find the opposites Adjective Opposite Adjective Opposite strong weak scared short boring thin rich fastest cheap 8 9 86 16 Unit Fact detectives eighty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv