Prime Time 2, Workbook

The annual big summer festival Listening: A lot of things to do … a) The summer festival organisers are discussing what they have to prepare for the festival. Read the dialogue below and fill the gaps. Mia: Hello everybody. Thanks for coming today. We have a lot to prepare for the festival! Elliott: It’s going to be so great. The summer festival is my favourite event. Mia: Mine too, Elliott. Okay, what is the most important 1 thing? Jayden: I think 2 we have to find sponsors. Mia: You’re 3 . What do you think? Who could help us? Jayden: We can ask at the 4 . We can also ask parents 5 . Mia: Good 6 . Who can do that? Elliott: I 7 this. Mia: Thanks, Elliott. What do we have to do 8 ? Harvey: I’d like to make some 9 . Ruby: I can 10 the invitations. Jayden: We 11 to decide which games to play. Mia: Okay, okay … Great work, everybody. Let’s write a plan and a to-do list, so that everybody knows what to do. b) Listen to the audio and check your answers. Writing: A to-do list Write the to-do list for the festival organisers. You can also add your own ideas. 1 important • can do • decorations • first • for help • idea • local shops • mustn’t forget • next • prepare • right 3.18 vi8ue3 2 77 Unit 15 Festivals, customs and traditions seventy-seven Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv