Prime Time 2, Workbook

Check out Reading: Waking up in a Viking village Complete the text about the Vikings with words from the green box. The sun was rising above the Viking village 1 . In the main hall of the big longhouse the family was still sleeping around the 2 pit along with some farm 3 . A little later, everybody got up. Ingrid, the farmer’s 4 , started the fire and Sven, the farmer, helped himself to some of yesterday’s left-over 5 . It was made of 6 , beans, peas, carrots and turnips. He broke off a piece of 7 to dip into the stew. The children, Thorstig and Thora, had a 8 of bread and buttermilk. The day’s work began. Thorstig 9 his father in the fields. He used an iron sickle to 10 the corn while Thora helped her mother 11 flour from corn. Writing: Visiting a Viking village Imagine you have visited a Viking village. Write a short letter to a friend. • What did you see there? • What did you learn about Vikings? • What did you find especially interesting? 6 animals • bread • breakfast • cut • fire • helped • lamb • make • stew • village • wife l m n I can complete a text about Vikings. 7 l m n I can write a short travel report. 76 14 Unit The Vikings l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. seventy-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv