Prime Time 2, Workbook

Focus on form: Regular and irregular verbs  CB, p. 94 a) Jumbled words: Look at the verbs below and put them in the correct order. Draw lines. go throw take be break took was/were broke went threw gone broken thrown been taken fall win play kick smash smashed fell kicked won played kicked won smashed played fallen b) Look at the table below and copy it in your exercise book. Then write all the verbs from task 4a in your list. 1st form – base form 2nd form – past 3rd form – past participle go went gone After today’s sports lesson  CB, p. 80 Look at the pictures and complete the dialogues. 1. Jim: Jason, what’s happened? Jason: I have broken 1 (break) my ankle. Jim: Poor you. 2. Teacher: Hey, children! What have you done? Children: Sorry, Miss, Boris 2 (smash) the window. 3. Reporter: Ladies and gentlemen, Abie Bronson from year 2 3 (win) the tennis tournament. Congratulations, Abie! 4. Granny: Why are you wearing these T-shirts? Children: Because we 4 (run) the school marathon, Granny. 4 5 70 Revision seventy Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv