Prime Time 2, Workbook

Check out Answering and asking questions about the play a) Answer the questions. 1. Who took the children to Aled Castle? 2. Who went down the tunnels to look for the dog? 3. Who smelt the sandwiches? 4. Who picked up some leaves? their teacher b) Write the questions to the answers. 1. ? He ate the children’s sandwiches. 2. ? In the tunnels. He was lost in the tunnels. 3. ? Tom and Suzy. They were afraid of spiders and bugs. 4. ? Because the trunk was locked. Writing: Pupils catch thieves – a newspaper article Complete the text. Each line stands for a letter. Pupils from Mayflower School and their teacher v i s i t e d 1 Aled Castle to see the f 2 gold crown. They were very d 3 when they saw only a h 4 of the crown because the real one was not there anymore. After the tour the tour guide’s dog Spotty suddenly d 5 . While they were l 6 him in a dark tunnel, Tom almost f 7 a trunk and Aisha st 8 over a gardener’s jacket with the key to the trunk where they f 9 the crown. Thanks to Spotty they finally k 10 who the thieves were. 6 l m n I can ask and answer questions about a past event. 7 l m n I can write a short text about an adventure. 66 12 Unit Lost …and found – a play l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. sixty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv