Prime Time 2, Workbook

Phrasal verbs Match the sentences which fit together. 1. We must find Spotty. Could you switch on the lights, please. 2. He was so hot he didn’t need his jacket. It sounds like Spotty. 3. It’s so dark in here. Let’s get out of here. 4. Hang on. Listen! 1 Let’s look for him. 5. This is a scary place. I’ll pick them up. Here you are, Granny. 6. Oh, I’ve dropped my glasses! He took it off. Whose uniform is the dirtiest? a) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences below each of them. Note: -y  -i. Eddy’s uniform is dirty. Lolly’s uniform is than Eddy’s. Rick’s uniform is of all. b) Make up similar sentences with the adjectives. 1. nosy: Nancy • Ted • Zoe . . 2. happy: Marnie • Lucas • Clemens . . 3. heavy: black trunk • blue trunk • red trunk . . 3 4 64 12 Unit Lost …and found – a play sixty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv