Prime Time 2, Workbook

Being a detective a) Imagine you are a detective watching what is going on at Castle Aled. You are talking to another police officer. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. Police officer: 007, can you hear me? What do you see? Detective: I can see two men. They are wearing 1 (wear) dark jackets. Police officer: What they 2 (do)? Detective: They 3 (talk) to each other. Police officer: What are they saying? Detective: I can hear something like, “Yes, you did!” and “No, I didn’t!” I think they 4 (argue). Police officer: What else … ? Detective: Wait. I can hear voices. They 5 (come) closer. Ah, they are school children. They 6 (wear) school uniforms. They 7 (visit) the castle with their teacher and a guide. Hang on! The guide 8 (say) something to the children. Police officer: Is she? What is she saying? Detective: Something that sounds like, “without the crown” and she looks really sad. Police officer: Aha, … what about the two men? Are they still around? Detective: Yes, they 9 (pick) up leaves now. They must be the gardeners. On their jackets it says, “Castle Aled Gardens”. Police officer: I see. Anything else? Detective: There’s also a little dog. It 10 (play) with the children. Police officer: So they have finished their castle tour. Detective: It seems like it. They 11 (have) a picnic lunch. … Now I can see three children who 12 (follow) the dog to the castle walls. And, look! One of the gardeners 13 (speak) to them. He 14 (point) to the other side. Police officer: Okay, thanks 007. Stay where you are. Carry on watching. … b) Listen and check. 2 3.16 m4p49v 63 12 Unit Lost …and found – a play sixty-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv