Prime Time 2, Workbook

Check out Focus on form: Mixed tenses a) Situation 1: Fill the gaps with the verbs from the box in the correct tense. Last night, Ali was driving 1 home from work when he 2 a torchlight in Miss Holly’s dining room. He 3 of his car to find out what 4 . The light 5 around the house for some time. Then, suddenly it 6 on the first floor. “That must be Miss Holly’s bedroom,” Ali 7 . “Miss Holly’s in danger. I must save her.” He 8 over the garden gate and 9 the doorbell. “Miss Holly, Miss Holly, wake up,” he 10 . The window 11 . “Yes? Who’s there?” Miss Holly asked. “There’s a man in your house. I 12 him in your dining room and in your bedroom, too. I’m sure he 13 somewhere in your house.” “Oh! It 14 me, Ali! I 15 one of my detective stories when suddenly all the lights 16 . You probably saw me when I 17 for a candle.” “Oh, thank goodness for that. Good night, Miss Holly.” “Good night, Ali. And thank you.” b) Situation 2: Read the text. Then write down what she tells her mother. Rose comes back home after a hard day’s work. She’s very tired and sits down in her armchair. After a while she thinks, “There’s something wrong here.” Her bowl of muesli is no longer on the kitchen table, the bin is empty and the dishwasher is on. She starts to get frightened, so she rings up her mum. 1. Someone has been in my flat. 2. Someone 3. 4. 5 be (2x) • drive • get out • go on • go out • hide • jump • look • move • open • read • ring • see (2x) • shout • think l m n I can complete a short story using the correct tenses. l m n I can express changes which have a present result. 61 11 Unit Crime l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. sixty-one Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv