Prime Time 2, Workbook

Check out Language in use: A tricky situation – what should you do? Match the situations with the advice. Situation: Agony aunt’s advice: 1. Hilda thinks her best friend can’t keep secrets. She is sad. Why don’t you ask them if you can be part of the game and join them? 2. Rayna’s parents don’t like her new friend. She is disappointed. Try to concentrate on something else and ignore the rumours. 3. Matt is angry with his classmate because he’s spreading rumours. 1 You should talk to her in a friendly way and ask her why she is doing this. 4. Will never joins other kids when they play and he feels lonely. Introduce him/her to your parents and show them that your friend is a nice, friendly person. Reading: An apology note Read Ollie’s apology note to Jamie and the statements below. Tick T (= true) or F (= false). T F 1. Ollie writes a letter to say sorry to Jamie.  2. Ollie is sorry, but he thinks that it was okay to laugh at him. 3. Ollie thinks that Jamie isn’t really angry with him. 4. The accident was a real shock for Ollie. 5. Ollie didn’t call Jamie a coward and there’s no reason to be angry. 7 l m n I can understand sentences that give advice to somebody. 8 Dear Jamie, I’m terribly sorry for being such an idiot. I just don’t know why I pushed you to come with me to the car park. It was absolutely wrong of me to laugh at you when you were scared. I know you were very angry with me. You didn’t want to be called a coward so you went down the ramp. The accident was a real shock for me. I ran away without helping you. I feel totally ashamed for being such an idiot. You were really lucky only to have a plaster and it was extremely unfair of me to call you a coward. I know that you’re very angry with me, but I hope you can forgive me. All the best and I hope to hear from you soon, Ollie l m n I can read and understand apology notes. 56 10 Unit Moody Rudy l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. fifty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv