Prime Time 2, Workbook

Calm down and cheer up Focus on form: don’t vs. mustn’t  CB, p. 67 Use don’t and mustn’t and complete the sentences below. 1. Mum is talking to her son: “Jerry, cheer up! Stop crying and don’t be sad, everything’s going to be okay, but you mustn’t do this again. It was a really bad mistake you made.” 2. Our English teacher is really friendly and she always says, “Please, talk when I’m talking!”, but our history teacher is the strictest teacher at school. She always says, “You speak during the lesson!” 3. Dad is speaking to his daughter: “Dido, you scream at your sister – she’s only one year old. be angry with her! She doesn’t understand it. 4. Teacher to class before the test: “Right, calm down, now. There are two rules for our test: talk during the test and most important, you copy from your neighbour’s test!” 5. Dad is talking to his daughter: “Everything is alright. be disappointed. I think next time you will win the match, but you foul the other team members. Focus on form: What happened to the children?  CB, p. 65 Read the dialogue and fill the gaps with the phrases below. Helena: Hi, Lyla. Trish told me your brother 1 to hospital last night. Lyla: Yeah, that’s true. Helena: What happened to him? Lyla: He 2 under a tree. Helena: What? How did it happen? Lyla: Yeah. He was playing football at Jimmy’s place. Then, suddenly, a storm came, but the boys didn’t stop playing. They 3 by Jimmy’s parents, but they didn’t listen and played on. When they didn’t come back, Jimmy’s parents started looking for them. Finally, the boys 4 . They 5 under a tree. Helena: Oh dear. Were they badly injured 6 ? Lyla: Well, luckily, they weren’t. But the ambulance 7 and they 8 to hospital for a check-up … 4 5 were found were taken was buried was called were buried was taken were called in were … injured 54 Revision fifty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv