Prime Time 2, Workbook

Asking for help Reading: Agony aunt Melinda is giving advice a) Read the letters to the agony aunt and the problems on the right. Then tick the statements that are true. 1. Dear agony aunt, When I’m alone with my friend Ava, she’s really nice and cool. But when we meet other kids, she’s always in the centre and she ignores me. I feel like an outsider then. They all talk to her and everybody likes her better than me. Please help me. Yours, Martha The child … has a problem with her parents. doesn’t want to go to school. asks for help because she can’t sleep at night. has a problem with her best friend. 2. Hey Melinda, My name’s Toby and my neighbour in class is spreading rumours about me, but he’s telling lies. For example, he says that I often take away his things. Last week he told our English teacher that I copied his homework, but that’s wrong. I don’t do anything like that. It’s unfair! Please give me some advice. Yours, Toby The child … has a problem with his best friend at school. doesn’t like his teacher. asks for help at school because somebody is saying things that aren’t true. asks for advice with his strict parents. 3. Hello agony aunt, I’m Gina and I have a problem with my French teacher. She’s nice, but whenever I want to say something, she ignores me. I know the answers, but she lets somebody else give the correct answer. What can I do? Best, Gina The child … has a problem with her boyfriend. doesn’t want to study for her French test. has a problem with a teacher. doesn’t like her class. b) Pick one of the letters from above and write an answer. Write a text of about 50 words in your exercise book. You can start your sentences like this: Dear … (name), Thanks for your letter. I can understand your problem. … Try to …. You should/shouldn’t … Why don’t you … 2 52 10 Unit Moody Rudy fifty-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv