Prime Time 2, Workbook

Holiday diary Reading: What a summer a) Read Helena’s diary entry. 4 b) Read Helena’s diary entry again and complete the phrases with one word each. 1. back at school 2. at home 3. lots of fun 4. some sightseeing c) Put the events of Helena’s summer in the correct order. Helena and Doyi did lots of things: they went swimming and into the mountains. With her grandparents, she went to many other places around Innsbruck. A few weeks later, Helena’s friend from Namibia came to Austria. After her friend left, Helena took part in a cello music camp in Salzburg. 1 First of all, Helena’s grandparents from Greece came to Innsbruck for two weeks. 5 10 15 20 25 30 Dearest diary, What should I say? The summer holidays were far too short! I really like school and it’s great to be back at school and to see all my friends again. BUT: holidays are better. This year, my family and I didn’t go away; we all stayed at home and we had lots of fun. There was so much to do because we had lots of visitors. At the beginning of the holidays, my grandparents from Greece came to visit us in Innsbruck. They stayed for two weeks. We went hiking and we went to lots of different places around Innsbruck. I think they really liked it. Then, at the beginning of August my friend Doyi from Namibia came to visit me. We picked her up at Vienna International Airport and we stayed in Vienna for three more days to do some sightseeing. We took her to the Prater and went to some museums. Then we drove back home to Innsbruck. I showed her around my hometown, we went swimming and I also took her to the mountains. When Doyi left, I took part in a one-week cello music camp in Salzburg. In fact, I want to become a professional cellist and one day I want to play in a big orchestra like the London Symphony Orchestra. But that’s a different story … See you soon … 5 1 Unit Summer stories five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv