Prime Time 2, Workbook

A weekend that went wrong  CB, p. 61 The Lytton family wanted to spend the weekend camping. Unfortunately, their trip ended on the first day. Granny is telling her friend Lauren about her family’s bad luck. a) Listen to the audio and tick whether the statements are T (= true) or F (= false). T F T F 1. The weather forecast was good.  4. Mum burnt her toes. 2. Toby broke his knees. 5. Their equipment was good. 3. Dad caught some fish for dinner. 6. Granny will buy them a tent. b) Granny feels really sorry for her family. This is what she is thinking. Complete her thoughts using the correct form of good and bad. What a day of bad 1 luck! They had the 2 weekend ever. Toby’s knees look really 3 , but Moira’s toes are definitely 4 . She can’t even wear proper shoes now. Poor Lawrence broke his ankle. I think he’s a hero. He says, his broken ankle isn’t as 5 as Moira’s toes. Anyway, I think they need 6 outdoor equipment. Theirs isn’t 7 enough. I’m going to buy them a really 8 camping stove and I’m going to get them the 9 tent I can find. Theirs isn’t any 10 for really bad weather. Focus on form: Making promises  CB, p. 56 a) Complete the answers. Granny: You must be more careful, folks. Dad: Oh yes. Next time I go fishing, I’ll put on (put on) my rubber boots. Mum: And I (not boil) water on a wobbly camping stove. Toby: Well, I (look) where I am going when I am running. b) What do you think Granny promises? Write down her promise. Granny: Next time I . 5 3.14 nm5i9e 6 49 Revision forty-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv