Prime Time 2, Workbook

Safety first Listening: A day of bad luck a) Listen to the audio. b) Read the questions of each box carefully. Write the answers in the correct box. 1 3.13 cf7t5b almost crash into an open car door • knocked down by a cyclist • read texts on his mobile phone • ride his bike near parked cars • run after the school bus • walk into a lamp post • trip over a dog lead • walk down the road with their headphones on What were they doing? What happened? Florian Florian was reading texts on his mobile phone. He walked into a lamp post. Gina Hanna and Nicola Bruno c) Now link the two sentences with the word when. 1. Florian was reading texts on his mobile phone when he walked into a lamp post. 2. 3. 4. Accidents Look at the pictures and write in your exercise book how these accidents happened. 1. Mum: make a tomato salad/cut finger Mum was making a tomato salad when she cut her finger. 2. Norma: pick apples/slip and fall off the ladder 3. Tim: run after ball/car knock down 4. Sam: play football/fall over 2 3 4 1 2 46 Unit 9 Life is dangerous forty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv