Prime Time 2, Workbook

Check out Disastrous weather Complete the newspaper reports with words from the green box. Listening: Sydney opera damaged by flooding Listen to the news report and fill the gaps. Sydney, Australia, was hit 1 by massive flooding yesterday. The opera house 2 . Windows 3 and the entrance area 4 . The incident happened in the morning, so there wasn’t an audience in the building. Several people 5 . A stage technician broke his arm. Lead singer Savannah Simpson 6 by Starwood TV. She said she was very happy that everyone 7 . 6 avalanche • buried • danger • flash • nature • rain • recovered • thunderstorm • was struck Thunderstorm struck wedding During an outdoor wedding ceremony a wedding guest was struck 1 by a 2 of lightning while helping himself from the buffet. He 3 from a bad shock and the party went on. Wildfires in southern Greece Six weeks of no 4 led to wildfires in southern Greece. At over 40 degrees Celsius thousands of people, animals and 5 reserves in the area were in 6 . Village buried under landslide After a heavy 7 a little village in the French alps was hit by a devastating landslide which 8 most of the village under an 9 of mud and rock. Luckily, no one was killed. l m n I can complete reports on extreme weather conditions. 7 3.12 3cx825 l m n I can understand easy news reports. was badly damaged was destroyed was rescued were breaking were injured was hit was interviewed 45 8 Unit Natural disasters l = I’m very good at this. m = I can do this. n = I need help. forty-five Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv