Prime Time 2, Workbook

Madame Mim is looking into the future. She is specialised in seeing natural disasters in the future. Complete her blog entries with the correct form of the verbs. Madame Mim’s Good Fortune March, 21st 7:20 p.m. Flood warning: Massive flooding from Hurricane Miranda will hit 1 (hit) Valley Springs. A team of firefighters 2 (rescue) cats and dogs from an animal shelter. Primary schools 3 (open) because people 4 (know) how to get there. Police 5 (close) more than thirty roads due to flooding. March 29th 1:12 p.m. Volcano warning: Mount Vesuvius in southern Italy 6 (erupt) later this week. Vast clouds of smoke 7 (cover) the city of Naples. Temperatures 8 (rise) above 40 degrees Celsius. Thousands of people, animals and nature reserves around Vesuvius 9 (be) in danger. Ambulances 10 (take) more than 200 people to hospital. April 12th 9:02 a.m. Tornado warning: The area of Sutter Creek 11 (have) to prepare for Tornado Trinity. Trinity 12 (destroy) dozens of buildings, among them Sutter Creek church. People in Sutter Creek 13 (have) any electricity or water for two days. Rescue teams 14 (set up) hundreds of tents for people who lost their homes. April 14th 11:01 p.m. Earthquake warning: An earthquake 15 (hit) Pleasant Grove in the next few days. Among other things it 16 (destroy) Pleasant Grove prison. Thirty prisoners 17 (escape). Police 18 (catch) twenty-eight of them. Two prisoners 19 (manage) to escape for good. Madame Mim, the great fortune teller Focus on form: Talking about the future  CB, p. 44 5 44 Revision forty-four Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv