Prime Time 2, Workbook

Pocket money Listening: Asking for more pocket money a) Complete the dialogue with the words from the green boxes in their correct form. Toby: Mum! Can I have a word with you? Mum: Sure. Go ahead. Toby: Well … I need, … Can I have more pocket money? Mum: What do you need more pocket money for, darling? Toby: I want to save up for a new mountain bike. Mine’s older than five years now. Mum: So what? Mine’s much older 1 than yours and it’s still okay. Toby: Mum, all my friends have got cooler bikes. Theirs are 2 than mine, because they’ve got more gears, and they are 3 too, only about 10 kg! Mine is 4 than theirs. It weighs 14 kg, you see. Actually, mine’s the 5 of all. So they are always much 6 than me. It’s no fun always being the 7 of all. Mum: Don’t you have some money left in your piggy bank? Toby: I do, but not enough. Mum, the bike I have in mind is 8 than my friends’ bikes. Mum: Well, can’t you find yourself a 9 one? Why does it have to be the 10 one? Toby: Mum! Don’t worry. There’s a second-hand one of the make I want to have, at half the price! And I can afford that one if … Mum: Yes? If …? Toby: If you give me 5 pounds more a month. Mum: Okay. I’ll give you more pocket money. But you will have to earn it. Toby: Eh? Do you mean I’ll have to do some jobs around the house? … Okay, I promise. b) Listen and check. c) Act out the dialogue. 1 cheap expensive (2x) fast (2x) heavy light old slow 3.9 u8c7ec 35 Unit thirty-five 7 Money Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv