Prime Time 2, Workbook

Dressing up for Halloween Halloween night a) Read the text. Sadie, Nesra and Nick dress up and go to Cora’s Halloween party. When they ring the doorbell, everybody shouts, “Who are you?” Cora sees a witch, a ghost and a vampire. Who is who? After a little while, the kids find out. Sadie’s white sheet gets caught up in one of the plastic cobwebs while she is dancing, Nick’s wig falls off his head and Nesra tells the joke that everybody knows is her favourite. Later in the evening all the children go trick-or-treating. Most people in the neigbourhood give them candy or even some money. But there is one person who doesn’t open his door – Mr Colson. The kids see the shape of a figure sitting behind the curtains looking out at them. “He thinks we can’t see him,” says Jerry. “Let’s play a trick on him,” suggests Nesra. Then Cora has an idea. She runs home and brings back some water bombs filled with cola and lemonade. “Ready, steady, go!” whispers Nick and “bang!” the water bombs crash against the window. The curtain moves and the figure disappears with a shrill “Meow!” Quickly, they hide behind the hedge waiting to see what happens. Suddenly Sadie feels someone tapping her shoulder. “Eek!” She turns round and sees Mr Colson standing behind her with a sour look on his face. The next day all the children turn up at Mr Colson’s house to clean up the mess they made the night before. b) Sadie’s Aunt Finnie wants to find out about the party. Complete the dialogue. Finnie: What costumes did you all wear 1 ? S: We 2 a witch, a ghost and a vampire. AF: How 3 the others 4 out who you were? S: I 5 in a cobweb, Nick’s 6 his head and Nesra 7 . AF: I see. 8 9 up the mess the next day? S: Oh yes, we did. c) Sadie writes a diary entry about the trick they played on Mr. Colson. Write about 100 words. We went to Mr Colson’s house, but he … . 4 5 10 15 20 26 5 Unit It’s all about fashion twenty-six Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv