Prime Time 2, Workbook

Let’s go shopping! Shopping for clothes a) Fill in one, ones. S: Can I help you, love? C: Em, yes, I’m looking for a T-shirt. S: Yes, we’ve got some really trendy ones 1 . Look at these here. C: Let me see. This 2 is nice. Oh, but there are some very cool 3 over there. That 4 with the giraffe print on it is great. Can I try it on? S: Sure, what size are you? C: Small. S: Okay. This 5 here is a small. Here you are. C: Where can I try it on? S: The fitting rooms are over there, right at the back. The pink 6 are for girls. C: Thanks. S: It looks very pretty on you. And it’s a real bargain. C: How much is it? S: Only 9.99. C: Okay, I’ll take it. b) Listen and check. Reading: Crazy for fashion Read the text and write the answers to the questions below in your exercise book. Sadie and her friend Nesra decided to go shopping to the mall. They wanted to buy some cool clothes for the party at Cora’s house. Before going on their shopping spree, Sadie had to ask her mum for some money. Sadie: Mum! I need to go and buy some new clothes tomorrow. Can I have some money? Mum: But you had lots of clothes for your birthday last month. You got some very nice jeans, a lovely skirt and that T-shirt you wanted so much. I really can’t see why you need any new clothes now. Sadie: I need something to wear to Cora’s party. You don’t want me to go there in my jeans, do you? And this skirt you bought me for my birthday, well, it’s a bit … I don’t know, I feel silly in it. Mum: But money doesn’t grow on trees, you know. No, darling, clothes are expensive and I can’t afford to give you any money for them right now. At that moment the doorbell rang. “Aunt Finnie!” shouted Sadie. Now she knew she would get what she wanted! 1. What did Sadie need the money for? . 2. How did Sadie feel when Aunt Finnie came to visit them? . 3. What do you think she bought? . 1 3.5 f2v63h 2 24 Unit twenty-four 5 It’s all about fashion Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv