Prime Time 2, Workbook

Schools around the world Reading: Exploring schools around the world a) Read the article below. Maybe you walk to school, you ride the bus or your parents take you to school by car. In some parts of the world, things are different. Children in Bolivia, for example, often use a horse to get to school. Some students who attend school on the Orkney Islands in Scotland even fly to school by plane. A school normally is a building with classrooms. There is a roof, there is a door, and there are windows. In many countries, however, there is not enough money to build a school, so students study in all kinds of places. Kids in some areas of Kenya, for example, attend classes under the trees in their village. In Afghanistan, tents are often used as classrooms. And some students in Bangladesh even attend classes on wooden boats. Most schools begin around 8 a.m. and finish between 2 or 4 p.m. In some countries there are also evening lessons where kids can do their homework after dinner. Many children attend school each day and then go home at night. But there are also kids who live at their schools. These are called boarding schools. In England, there’s even a boarding school in a castle: Kimbolton Castle. Students sleep in the historic rooms and attend classes at the castle. You might attend school from Monday to Friday. In Kenya, Russia and India, however, children attend school 6 days each week. In Japan, there is school five days a week plus two Saturdays each month. And in some parts of France children attend school four and a half days each week. There is a half day on Saturday and no school on Wednesdays or Sundays. b) Circle the correct answers. 1. Where do students take a plane to get to school? a) in Bolivia b) in some parts of Scotland c) in Afghanistan 2. Why are there no school buildings in some countries? a) Because they are too expensive. b) Because of the good weather. c) Because of traditions. 3. Where do some kids in Bangladesh have classes? a) in the air b) in a house c) on a river 4. Why do some students come back to school after dinner? a) to do their homework b) to go to school clubs c) t o clean the school 5. What is a boarding school? a) a school where students get lunch b) a school where students also live c) a school just for boys 6. Where do students have no school on Wednesday? a) in Japan b) in India c) i n some parts of France 3 5 10 15 20 25 10 2 Unit School life ten Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv