Prime Time 1, Workbook

Unit 7 My time – my activities task 7 1: Marty likes reading books. He’s also good at reading fast. 2: George loves drawing manga cartoons. He is very good at it. 3: Dan and Hamid like playing football. They’re quite good at doing ball tricks. 4: Charlize loves listening to rock music, and she’s good at playing the drums. 5: Meral and Chris love riding their horses Chipsy and Caesar. 6: My best friend likes taking photographs of his pets. task 8 2: F 3: F 4: T 5: F Unit 8 You and your body task 8 1: Marietta shouldn’t stay up so late. 2: Olivia should have a healthy breakfast. 3: Pete should turn down the volume. 4: Timothy shouldn’t talk all the time. task 9 1: Mary’s feet hurt. Her feet hurt because she always plays football without shoes. 2: Joe’s fingers hurt. His fingers hurt because he always plays video games and types on his laptop. 3: Stephen and Dave’s ears hurt. Their ears hurt because they always listen to loud music. 4: Dario’s dad has got a headache. His dad’s head hurts because he always stays up late and watches TV. 5: My mum’s and my stomachs hurt. Our stomachs hurt because we always eat a lot of sweets in the evening. Unit 9 At home task 11a 2: looks 3: opens 4: touches 5: doesn’t bring 6: doesn’t play 7: doesn’t like task 11b 2: make 3: hide 4: don’t want 5: don’t like task 12a In Pippa’s room there is a bed with a cool croco- dile teddybear on it. She has got a new bathtub desk in front of the window with a TV laptop and a lamp on her desk. Her schoolbag is under on the chair in front of the desk. … On the wall there is a lovely poster with a pony two ponies in it. There is no a carpet, but and it is a friendly and very tidy but quite untidy / but quite messy room. task 12b Sample text basic and advanced In Pippa’s room there is a bed with a (cute) teddy bear on it. She has got a new (big/nice/…) desk in front of the window with a laptop and a lamp on it. Her schoolbag is on the chair in front of the desk. She has got lots of school things in her room. (There is a school book and a pencil case on the floor). On the wall there is a lovely poster with two ponies in it. There is a (green) carpet in her room (, too). Her room is (looks a bit) messy/untidy. / It isn’t a (very) tidy room, but it is friendly. Unit 10 Food task 12a Paula talks about the food she eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner. task 12b 2: T 3: T 4: F 5: F task 12b 2: glass 3: fruit 4: cafeteria 5: dish 6: dessert 7: dinner Unit 11 Stormy weather task 9 1: If it’s cloudy, there are many clouds in the sky. 2: Temperatures in summer can be very high at around 35 °C. 3: Rain is water that falls from the sky. 4: There are four seasons; we call them spring, summer, autumn and winter. 5: A weather forecast says what the weather will be like in the future. task 10 2: F 3: T 4: F 5: T 95 Check out Key Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv