Prime Time 1, Workbook

Focus on function: Asking and giving advice a) Put the sentences in the correct order and number them. Carola: Do you see anything? 1 Carola: Hello, Mrs Kent. Carola: There’s something wrong with my dog, and I don’t know what it is. Can you tell me what I can do? Carola: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t touch his food and doesn’t drink much. Carola: No, not really. He ran around in the garden and when he came back, he went straight to his basket. Carola: Rickie doesn’t run around as normal. He stays in his basket and sleeps all day. Carola: So I shouldn’t do anything special? Carola: Thanks very much. – You see, Rickie, it’s not that bad. 2 Mrs Kent: Hello, good morning, what can I do for you? Mrs Kent: Let me see. He has got red eyes as well. Does he eat and drink as usual? Mrs Kent: No, I don’t. His tongue looks normal. I don’t think it is serious. Do you know what he did yesterday? Mrs Kent: No, not for the moment. I think he needs a good rest and then we’ll see. Mrs Kent: Okay, first tell me a little more about your dog. Mrs Kent: Okay, Rickie. Now let me look into your mouth. Mrs Kent: Well, perhaps he ate something bad. I think you should take him back to his basket, give him enough to drink and wait one more day. I’m sure he’ll get well soon. b) Listen and check. c) Write down sentences in which Carola asks the vet what she should do. d) Write down sentences in which the vet tells Carola what she should do. 7  4.29 9g54t6 93 16 Unit Fact detectives ninety-three Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv