Prime Time 1, Workbook

Animal news What do vets do? a) Before you read, study the explanations of difficult words and phrases.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9. 10. 11. vet injury clue to smell owner medical test to cure medication bones to operate on to treat A vet is a medical doctor for animals. A broken leg is an injury. When you do a crossword puzzle, a clue helps you to find the right word. A rose smells nice. If you have a pet, you are the owner. This is a test to check if a person or an animal is alright. A doctor cures a sick person and then he or she is alright again. This is a drug which you give to an animal or a person to cure them. Bones are the hard structures in your body. They form the skeleton. A doctor does an operation on a person to fix a medical problem. To try to cure a person or an animal. b) Read the text and underline the words and phrases from task 5a. Lots of people come to see Mrs Kent with their animals every week. She is a vet, a doctor for sick animals or animals which have injuries. When you take your pet to a vet like her, the first thing she does is to look at your pet closely and try to find out what the problem is. Animals cannot speak, so the vet has to look for clues like the way in which the animal looks, how it smells or things like that. And of course she talks to the owner of the animal because they know their pets much better than she does. A vet can also do medical tests if necessary. Then vets have to think about how they can cure the animals. Sometimes they need to give them medication, sometimes they have to fix broken bones, sometimes they have to operate on animals or fix their teeth. In cities vets treat small animals most of the time, but in the countryside vets also have to deal with larger animals, like horses, and other farm animals like sheep and cows. But vets also tell you how to look after your pet. So if you have a question about your pet or a problem with an animal, you can ask a vet to help you and to tell you what to do. Do you want to be a vet? Tick  the right box for you. I want to be a vet because … I don’t want to be a vet because … I love small animals. I am afraid of animals. I like to help animals. I don’t like to touch animals. 5  5 10 15 20 6  92 16 Unit Fact detectives ninety-two Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv