Prime Time 1, Workbook

Keeping fit Reading: How to keep fit a) Read through the text and correct the mistakes. Some words must be crossed out, others must be filled in . Use a red pencil. More and more people exercise to keep fit. Some go running, others like cycling and some go swimming at least once a week. Some have a little computer watch which tells them that they need to do more. When you go for a walk on a Sunday morning, you don’t see many people going for a run or cycling. Doing sports is very good for your body and it helps you to get stronger. People who do sports regularly also do not get much older. In addition to exercising it is also important that you eat the right things. Junk food, like hamburgers, is really good for you. Be careful with sugar, fat and salt because they are not very healthy if you don’t eat too much of them. Sweets for example are really healthy. Make sure you eat some fruit and vegetables every day. And don’t forget dairy products. Your body needs them as well. You should also eat carbohydrates like bread or pasta because they give you energy. b) Rewrite the wrong sentences and correct the mistakes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What to eat a) Make two lists with things which you should eat and things which you should stay away from. Use the texts in Units 8 and 10 and the information in this unit (   coursebook p. 130). b) Find pictures of these things and add them to your list. c) Choose five healthy things and five things you should not eat too often and make a poster. 2  5 10 3  90 16 Unit Fact detectives ninety CB p.130 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv