Prime Time 1, Workbook

Hooray – holiday! Holiday master plan Go back to the song “Holiday master plan” (   coursebook p. 124). What do the pictures below have to do with the song? Write the lines from the song under the pictures. 1. play games on the screen 2. 3. 4. Writing: My holidays Use the grid below to write a short text for your school magazine about your summer holidays. Who are you? My name is … . / I’m … . What do you usually do? In the summer holidays I love the holidays because In the summer I we my mum and I my family and I my grandparents and I … always usually sometimes play on the beach. hang out with friends. visit a theme park. stay at a farm. join a summer camp. play board games. … What are you going to do this year? This year, This summer, am going to are going to Where are you going? I We My mum and I My family and I My grandparents and I am going to are going to travel to London by car. fly to Greece. visit Italy by ship. stay at home. visit relatives/friends. … What are you going to do there? am going to are going to take a lot of photos. buy souvenirs. read a good book. do some sightseeing. swim in the sea. build sandcastles. sleep all day long. … 4  5  85 15 Unit Going on holiday eighty-five CB p.124 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv