Prime Time 1, Workbook

Plans for our holiday Go back to Stephen and Tina (   coursebook p. 122, task 4b) and complete the questions and answers below. 1. Stephen, are you  going to fly  to Germany in the holidays? –  Yes, I am. 2. Are you   for eight days? –  3. Are you   to Berlin? –  4. Are you   a lot of sightseeing? –  5. Tina, are you   to New Zealand? –  6. Are you   for one month? –  7. Are you   the plane? –  8. Are you   some friends? –  Doing a lot of stuff Write down what Shania is going to do and what she isn’t going to do in the school holidays. She says: 1. I’m going to cook pizza. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2  fly do travel meet stay (2x) fly take 3  84 15 Unit Going on holiday eighty-four CB p.122 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum d s Verlags öbv