Prime Time 1, Workbook

Talking animals A story: The lion and the mouse Complete the story and use the words from the boxes below. 5  looked (2x) opened started wanted liked jumped said (3x) came saw smiled was One day Leo, the Great Lion,  was 1  sleeping under a tree. Along  2   a little mouse and 3   up the Lion’s nose. At that moment the Lion  4   his eyes and  5   to eat him. But the mouse  6  , “Sorry, Great Lion. I’m not good food for a great King like you. Let me go and I’ll never forget this all my life.” The Great Lion  7   these sweet words and let the mouse go. A day later the little mouse  8  Leo, the Great Lion, with thick ropes all around his body. The King’s Guards wanted to take him to their King. “Oh, now I can keep my word”, the mouse 9   and  10   to bite away the ropes. The Lion  11  down at the little helper and  12  . The little mouse  13   up at the Great Lion and  14  , “Little friends can be great friends.” 79 14 Unit Animals seventy-nine Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv