Prime Time 1, Workbook

A new home Fluffy’s daily routine a) Read the interview in unit 14 again (   coursebook p. 115). Find five more mistakes in this text and highlight them. Two years ago Fluffy’s home was an animal shelter. Now Fluffy lives with the Webber family. He thinks they take good care of him. And this is his daily routine: In the morning he stretches his legs before he gets his food. Then Alex often takes Fluffy to the swimming pool and brushes his teeth. When the boys are at school, Fluffy watches the neighbour’s cats. After school the boys usually play with Fluffy for about an hour. Then it’s homework time for George, Fluffy and Alex. In the evening Mr Webber and Fluffy usually go for a walk. Fluffy is very happy with the Webber family. b) Now correct the wrong sentences. Use negations. 1. Fluffy doesn’t stretch his legs before he gets his food in the morning. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Scrambled animals a) Unscramble the animal words. 3  5 4  1. samlina  a n i m a 1 s 2. shroe  4 3. knaes  3 4. bibrat  2 l 5. netikt  8 6. upypp  7 6 7. eusmo  5 b) Look at task 4a. The letters in the squares make up a sentence. Write down the solution. Solution: I    l  t. 78 14 Unit Animals seventy-eight CB p.115 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv